- 外文名:propagator
- 詞性:名詞
- 美式發音:[ˈprɑːpəɡeɪtər]
- 釋義:宣傳者;(植物)培育箱
2.12.2 Photon Propagator 2.12.3 Massive Spin—1 Propagator 2.13 S—Matrix and Feynman Rules for QED 2.13.1 Cross Sections and Decay Rates 2.13.2 Worked Example: Mott Scattering 2.14 Spin Statistics 2.15 ...
1.3 Perturbation Theory for the Propagator 1.3.1 General Formalism 1.3.2 An Example: Potential Scattering 1.4 Second Quantization 1.4.1Description of Large Collections of Identical Particles. Fock's Space 1.4.2 ...
11.1 Evolution operator. Propagator 11.2 Propagator as a path integral 11.3 Lagrangian path integrals 11.4 Propagators for free particle and harmonic oscillator 11.4.1 Free particle 11.4.2 Quadratic potential 11.4.3 ...
菲涅耳傳播因子 菲涅耳傳播因子(Fresnel propagator)是2019年發布的物理學名詞,出自《物理學名詞》第三版。公布時間 2019年經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《物理學名詞》第三版。
4-4 Two-photon annihilation and Compton scattering; the electron propagator 4-5 Feynmans space-time approach to the electron propagator 4-6 M011er scattering and the photon propagator; one-meson exchange interactions 4-7 ...
4-4 Two-photon annihilation and Compton scattering; the electron propagator 4-5 Feynmans space-time approach to the electron propagator 4-6 M011er scattering and the photon propagator; one-meson exchange interactions 4-7 ...