



  • 外文名:prohibition
  • 詞性:名詞




Prohibition Party禁酒黨 ; 美國禁酒黨
import prohibition進口禁令 ; 禁止進口 ; 翻譯
Parking prohibition禁止停車 ; 禁止路邊停車


  • 1The air force and the navy retain their prohibition of women on air combat missions.空軍和海軍都保留了對女性空中作戰任務的禁止。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The prohibition of using certain hardwoods for furniture and building materials goes a long way towards protecting forests and thus the flora and fauna within that habitat.禁止使用某些硬木來做家具和建築材料對保護森林,從而保護該棲息地內的動植物大有幫助。
  • 3Prohibition on the use of certain hardwoods for furniture and building materials goes a long way towards protecting forests and thus the flora and fauna within that habitat.禁止使用某些硬木作為家具和建築材料對保護森林,進而保護該生活環境內的動植物大有幫助。
  • 4Citizens still have a right to expect private documents to remain private and protected by the Constitution's prohibition on unreasonable searches.公民仍然有權要求私人檔案保持私密性,並受到憲法的保護,免受不合理的搜查。
  • 5He hoped she would remove that prohibition soon.他希望她很快就能把這個禁令取消了。
  • 6Prohibition advocates can point to some positive effects.禁止的倡導者可以指出很多正面的影響。
  • 7Article22 Right to make contact, prohibition on approaches.第二十二條接觸權與禁止行為。
  • 8There is evidence that prohibition of plastic bags can work.有證據顯示,禁止塑膠帶可以有效的解決其問題。
  • 9Yet prohibition itself vitiates the efforts of the drug warriors.但是禁令本身也削弱了藥品戰士們的成果。
  • 10Some people in both countries argue that drug prohibition is bound to fail.兩國的一些人士都認為禁毒是注定要失敗的。
  • 11Proponents of prohibition say there is at least one success story: Colombia.禁毒的支持者說,至少有一個成功的故事:哥倫比亞。
  • 12In my lifetime I think we'll see prohibition dismantled or at least softened.在我的有生之年,我想我們會看到禁令被解除,或者至少會有所放寬。
  • 13Calls for a rethink of the 50-year-old policy of prohibition have been growing.現行的禁止政策已經長達50年,要求重新考慮這一政策的人越來越多。
  • 14Franklin Roosevelt repealed prohibition in 1933 amid the throes of a depression.1933年,富蘭克林·羅斯福就曾在經濟蕭條的陣痛中廢除了禁酒令。
  • 15Will prohibition be in written or oral form and without any practical effect?難道“禁止”只能停留在了口頭上和書面上,難以起到任何實際的效果嗎?
  • 16Americans couldn't even have a drink to drown their sorrows, thanks to prohibition.蒙禁酒令之恩,美國人甚至連想借酒澆愁都不行!
  • 17Have we all suddenly regained our senses and realized that prohibition is irrational?我們是不是突然恢復理性,認識到禁令是錯誤的呢?
  • 18The prohibition against counterfeiting and forging transportation requests (18 U.S.C.針對偽造和仿造運輸申請的禁令(《美國法典》第18編第508節)。
  • 19ONCE, during prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water.曾經在禁酒期間,有好些天,我只能靠食物和水生活。
  • 20There are two main reasons for arguing that prohibition should be scrapped all the same.儘管如此,仍有以下兩個原因支持廢棄禁毒的方式。
  • 21Night was coming, so they had to work fast, because of the prohibition against lamps.天就要黑了,他們得快點做完,因為晚上不許點燈。
  • 22Ending drug prohibition is the only way to reduce violence in Latin America and elsewhere.為減少拉美和其他地區的暴力行為,終止禁毒是唯一的方法。
  • 23But this kind of bond offering gives them an officially sanctioned way around the prohibition.但是這類債券銷售使它們堂而皇之地繞過了禁令。
  • 24The prohibition is unlikely to ease pressure on the single currency, at least in the short term.這條禁令不太可能會緩和單一貨幣的壓力,至少短期不會。
  • 25This occurred during the Alcohol Prohibition of 1920-1933 and is happening on college campuses today.在1920年到1933年禁酒時期,這樣的事情已經發生過了,今天又在校園中重演。
  • 26This particular prohibition has also had implications for travelling wine lovers and wine professionals.這一特別規定同樣也會影響旅行的愛酒人士和酒飲專家。
  • 27In a recent survey of downtown merchants, the majority supported a prohibition on skateboarding in the plaza.在最近一次對鬧市區商戶的調查中,大多數人都支持禁止在廣場玩滑板。
  • 28Reviewing the evidence again, prohibition seems even more harmful, especially for the poor and weak of the world.重新審視這些證據後,禁令顯得更為有害,特別是對於貧困和弱小的國家來說。


