


  • 中文名:偏好,偏向,喜愛
  • 外文名:predilection
  • 類型:英語單詞
釋義 喜愛;偏愛;鐘愛,例句,

釋義 喜愛;偏愛;鐘愛

English expression:if you have a predilection for sth, you like it very much


1、The theory of human nature supposition is an analysis and classification of human predilection of psychological behavior. 人性假設理論是對人的心理行為偏好的分析和歸類。
2、She also instilled in him her predilection for new and rarely performed works. 她還把自己對新作品和很少被表演的作品的偏好慢慢灌輸給他。
3、The predilection to blame business was manifest in one of President Barack Obama's recent speeches. 在巴拉克歐巴馬(Barack Obama)總統最近的一次演講中,人們可以清楚地看出這種指責商界的傾向。
4、Multi-objective Game Design Method and Application of Mechanism with Objective predilection 具有目標偏好的多目標博弈設計與機構仿真
5、Study on Relationship between Women Smokers' Brand Predilection and Correlated Variables 女性吸菸者香菸品牌偏好及其相關變數的研究
6、Like any other idealistic person you make a secret of your predilections. 像任何其他理想主義者,你從不隱晦自己的偏好
7、Charles has always had a predilection for red-haired women. 查爾斯對紅頭髮女人一直有偏愛。

