- 外文名:precompensation
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:['pri:kɔmpen'seiʃən]
- 釋義:預先補償;預補償
digital precompensation 數字預補償
links precompensation 鏈路預補償
estimating precompensation 預估補償
write precompensation 寫入預補償 ; [計] 寫前補償 ; 翻譯
Precompensation Cylinder 預補償磁柱面
dynamic precompensation 動態預補償器
phase precompensation 相位預補償
gain precompensation 增益預補償
writing precompensation 寫預補償
A precompensation method of thermal errors in CNC machine tools is presented.研究了數控工具機熱誤差的預補償方法。
By Fourier transform, produces a fast and accurate calculation for dose precompensation in proximity effect correction for electron beam lithography.將付里葉變換法運用於電子束曝光的鄰近效應校正中,形成了快速、準確的劑量校正法。
The principle of precompensation for deformation was presented, which was applied to the shaping of an automobile fan and effectively helped lower the shrinkage deformation and warpage of the product.介紹了變形預補償的原理,以汽車風扇為例,成功地降低了汽車風扇的收縮變形和翹曲變形,為解決製品變形問題提供了一條新的思路。