- 外文名:pitiful
- 詞性:形容詞
- 1Pinocchio, standing before him, told his pitiful tale, word by word.皮諾曹站在他面前,一字一句地講他那令人同情的故事。
- 2She heard him let out a pitiful, muffled groan.她聽到他發出一聲可憐、壓抑的呻吟。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 3He sounded both pitiful and eager to get what he wanted.他聽上去可憐兮兮地迫切想得到他所想要的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 4The choice is pitiful and the quality of some of the products is very low.選擇餘地很小,而且有些產品的質量很差。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 5It was pitiful in a way, and yet cheering—even exhilarating.這在某種程度上是挺淒涼的,但也令人振奮——甚至是激動人心。
- 6The pitiful whipster were a magician!那個可憐的傲慢的傢伙是個魔術師!
- 7The girl's pitiful history would wring one's Withers.這女孩子的經歷令人心碎。《新英漢大辭典》
- 8No one could look at such a pitiful sight with dry eyes.見此慘狀,無不落淚。《新英漢大辭典》
- 9Take you with her, pitiful changeling?帶你跟她一起去,可憐的三心二意的人!
- 10It makes them feel lonely and pitiful.它使得他們感到孤獨和痛苦。
- 11The official response has been pitiful.官方的反應令人深感惋惜。
- 12And the most pitiful example of it is on 57.最可憐的例子在57頁。
- 13She cuts its throat, ending the pitiful cries.她切斷了毒狼的喉嚨,結束了這悽慘的哀號。
- 14He smiled, a pitiful smile, but did not answer.他笑了,卻笑得很可悲。可是還是沒有說話。
- 15The pitiful fish asks the fisherman to release it.那可憐的小魚求漁夫放了它。
- 16A person who is infected with the virus - looks pitiful.一個被這個病毒感染了的人——看起來很可憐。
- 17You come back yet never asked who saved your pitiful life.回來報仇,也不問問誰救了你的小命。
- 18No one wants to laugh at that tormented, pitiful Don Juan.沒有人想去嘲笑這個痛不欲生、可憐又可鄙的唐璜。
- 19The University of Minnesota was having a pitiful football season.當時明尼蘇達大學正經歷一個令人同情的橄欖球賽季。
- 20The little girl looked so pitiful; I hadn't the heart to refuse.這個小姑娘太可憐了,我簡直不忍心拒絕。
- 21The returns they are getting on their savings look increasingly pitiful.但儲蓄收益卻日益可憐。
- 22She refused to let either Sunshine or me get near that pitiful little body.它拒絕陽光或是我接近那個可憐的小屍體。
- 23"He didn't look like Mike anymore," she remembers now. "He was scary and pitiful.“他一點也不像從前的mike,”現在她回憶起來這么描述我,“他變得很膽小,很可憐。
- 24A drunk man walked by, thinking the beggar was pitiful, threw him a hundred dollars.在路邊一個盲人乞丐戴著墨鏡在街上行乞。一個醉漢走過來,覺得他可憐,就扔了一百元給他。
- 25His once fearsome body is so emaciated it is little more than a pitiful pile of fur and bones.他曾經健壯和敬畏的身軀現在只剩下如此可憐兮兮的結塊皮毛和一身消瘦筋骨。
- 26The European Union's choices for its new top jobs reveal a pitiful lack of global ambition.此番歐盟在領導人的選擇上暴露出該組織極其缺乏全球野心。
- 27I wish I might take this for a compliment; but to be so easily seen through I am afraid is pitiful.但願你這句話是恭維我,不過,這么容易被人看透,那恐怕也是件可憐的事吧。