- 外文名:pithy
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈpɪθi]
- 美式發音:[ˈpɪθi]
精悍,指精明強悍;形容藥性猛烈。見《漢書·儒林傳·韓嬰》:“嬰嘗與董仲舒論於上前,其人精悍,處事分明,仲舒不能難也。”基本解釋 1. [capable and vigorous]∶精明能幹;精銳強悍。精悍的辦事員。2. [pithy and poignant]∶...
柏小艷盤菌是一種盤菌,屬盤菌目盤菌科。拉丁綱名 Ascomycetes 中文綱名 子囊菌綱 拉丁目名 Pezizales 中文目名 盤菌目 拉丁科名 Pezizaceae 中文科名 盤菌科 拉丁名 Pithya cupressi 中文名 柏小艷盤菌 定名人 (Batsch ex ...
具髓原生中柱 medullated wool 有髓毛 medullated fibers 有髓神經纖維 ; 翻譯 ; 有髓鞘纖維 medullated fibre 髓質纖維 medullated nerve 無髓神經 medullated fiber 髓鞘釺維 medullated spike 有髓鞘鋒 medullated pithy 有髓的 ...
"A Business Week" editor who ditched New York City and a successful career for a kibbutz in Israel when the big day closed in on her, Tilsner recounts her experience and those of many other women in this pithy, ...
百里香菟絲子 百里香菟絲子(學名:Cuscuta epithymum)是旋花科植物。這種一年生的菟絲子寄生在金雀花、歐石南等植物上獲取營養。其線狀的纏繞枝蔓生形成密集的網狀結構。
This article is to introduce a speeded-up teaching method of reciting the pithy formula and Memorizing the etymon and practicing bare-handed.該文介紹一種五筆字型背口訣記字根及徒手練習速成教學方法。Legal terminology is an ...
Construction law can be a minefield. Professionals need answers which are pithy and straightforward, as well as legally rigorous. The two hundred questions in the book are real questions, picked from the thousands of teleph...
喜暗杯傘 喜暗杯傘,Clitocybe pithyophila,屬於白蘑科 簡介 喜暗杯傘,屬傘菌目, 白蘑科 ,拉丁名為Clitocybe pithyophila。基本資料
lucid, elegant, and easy to understand writing style. This book should fit well with the debates raging over issues like evolution and intelligent design, atheism, and religion and public life as an example of a pithy,...
is nurturing our individual curiosities and relishing the learning process that will lead anyone -- from children struggling in school to professionals looking to jumpstart their careers -- to success. In his unique pithy ...
Art Nouveau in Italy, dell'Arco on Futurism, Cominotti on Italian Design and Social-Economic Planning, Celant on Radical Architecture, and Tafuri on Utopian design. Thus, a book visually rich and intellectually pithy th...
s exhilarating insider's account of this boom and bust anything goes era, when fortunes were made and reputations were lost."Not since Michael Lewis' Liar's Poker has there been as good, as accessible or as pithy a...
For word nerds and grammar geeks, a witty guide to the most commonly mispronounced words, along with their correct pronunciations and pithy forays into their fascinating etymologies and histories of use and misuse. ROSS ...
白毛小包腳菇 白毛小包腳菇(Volvariella hypopithys)是光柄菇科真菌。保護現狀 該植物收錄於生態環境部中國科學院發布的《中國生物多樣性紅色名錄-大型真菌卷》名錄中,並且被評估為DD等級。
When you crave sarcasm, rapier wit, pithy comments, and lots of belly laughs, Garfield’s the one who has it all! So take a look inside at the latest collection of vignettes from the life of the most lovable cat...