



  • 外文名:pitching
  • 詞性:名詞、形容詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:['pɪtʃɪŋ]
  • 美式發音:['pɪtʃɪŋ]


pitch /pɪtʃ/ CET4 ( pitching, pitched, pitches )
1.V-T If you pitch something somewhere, you throw it with some force, usually aiming it carefully. 投擲
2.V-T In the game of baseball, when you pitch the ball, you throw it to the batter for them to hit it. 投 (球) 給擊球手
3.V-T/V-I To pitch somewhere means to fall forwards suddenly and with a lot of force. (向前) 跌倒
4.V-T If someone is pitched into a new situation, they are suddenly forced into it. 迫使進入 (一種新的處境)
5.N the degree of elevation or depression 程度
6.N-UNCOUNT The pitch of a sound is how high or low it is. 音調
7.V-T If a sound is pitched at a particular level, it is produced at the level indicated. 使 (音調)達到(指定水準) [usu passive]
8. → see also high-pitched
9.V-T If something is pitched at a particular level or degree of difficulty, it is set at that level. 給…設定水平 (或難度)
10.N-SING If something such as a feeling or a situation rises to a high pitch, it rises to a high level. (感情或形勢等的) 程度
11.V-T If someone pitches an idea for something such as a new product, they try to persuade people to accept the idea. 力薦(某主張)
12.N-COUNT A pitch is an area of ground that is marked out and used for playing a game such as football, cricket, or hockey. 比賽場地 [英國英語]
13.N any of various heavy dark viscid substances obtained as a residue from the distillation of tars 瀝青 → see also coal-tar pitch
14.V to apply pitch to (something) 用瀝青覆蓋(某物)
15.PHRASE If someone makes a pitch for something, they try to persuade people to do or buy it. 遊說
16. → see also sales pitch


Pitching Wedge 劈起桿 ; 短挑會旋球棒 ; 挖起桿
pitching angle 俯仰角 ; 縱搖角 ; 仰俯角 ; 傾角
pitching axis 傾伏軸 ; 俯仰軸
pitching fold 傾伏褶皺 ; 傾沒褶皺 ; 伏褶曲
pitching rotation 投球回身動作 ; 調整投手順序 ; 投手調度調整
pitching tool[木] 斧鑿
pitching ferrule 樁用穿索管
dry pitching 乾砌護坡 ; 乾砌塊石護坡
Pitching Coach 投手教練


