phenylephrine,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[藥] 苯腎上腺素(一種血管收縮劑)”。
- 外文名:phenylephrine
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[,finəl'ɛfrin]
- 釋義:[藥] 苯腎上腺素(一種血管收縮劑)
phenylephrine,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[藥] 苯腎上腺素(一種血管收縮劑)”。
鹽酸苯福林;鹽酸去氧腎上腺素;(R)-(-)-1-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-methylaminoethanolhydrochloride,應密封於乾燥處保存。英文別名 L-Phenylephrine hydrochloride; (R)-3-Hydroxy-alpha-(methylaminomethyl)benzyl alcohol hydrochloride; ...
本品為複方製劑,其組份為:每粒含主要成份馬來酸溴苯那敏(Brompheniramine Maleate)4mg,鹽酸去氧腎上腺素(Phenylephrine Hydrochloride)10mg。性狀 本品為膠囊劑。適應症 用於消除或減輕急慢性鼻炎、過敏性鼻炎及鼻竇炎、普通感冒的症狀,...
用途:Noscapine及中樞神經性鎮咳劑,有止咳作用,Glyceryl Guaiacolate可增加分泌,減少痰的黏稠性,從而達到驅痰效果。Phenylephrine HCI可作用於鼻黏膜,使血管收縮,從而達到通鼻塞效果。功 能:舒緩因過敏、傷風、感冒或類似之上呼吸道...
Phenylephrine HCL...10mg Brompheniramine Maleate...2mg Theophylline...150mg Bromhexine HCL...4mg 主治:哮喘、支氣管哮喘、慢性支氣管焱、胸悶氣短、喘促氣逆、咳嗽氣喘、肺氣腫。服法:成人每日二至四次,每次一粒,飯後服用。
Another study demonstrated neurologic improvement after 1 to 6 days of phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine) infusion.另有研究表明福林輸液1至6天后神經功能改善。UV was used to determine the process parameters by compared with ...
Brain Res. 2017 Apr15;1661:88-99.2、Phenylephrine enhances glutamate release in the medial prefrontal cortex through interaction with N-type Ca2+ channels and release machinery,JNeurochem. 2015 Jan;132(1):38-50.
[8]Luo F.*, Li SH., Tang H., Deng WK., Zhang Y., and Liu Y. (2015) Phenylephrine enhances glutamate release in the medial prefrontal cortex through interaction with N-type Ca2+channels and release machinery.J ...
These results suggest that reduction in st segment depression caused by phenylephrine may be used as a method for assessing the activity of antianginal drugs.結果似表明,改善苯腎上腺素所致兔心電圖s T段下降,可作為測定抗...
4. QI Yuan-ming, YANG Ding-jian, DUAN Xin, YANG Fan, LI Shi-rong, SHEN Jian-min, WANG Rui,. Endomorphins inhibit contractile responses of rat thoratic aorta rings induced by phenylephrine and angiotensin Ⅱ in ...