



  • 外文名:perilously
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈperələsli]
  • 美式音標:[ˈperələsli]


英 [ˈperələsli] 美 [ˈperələsli]
adv. 危機四伏地;充滿危險地


perilously dark 黑暗得危險地
narrow perilously 冒險地變窄
undertake perilously 冒險進行
lean perilously 危險地傾斜
perilously undertake 冒險地進行


  • The track snaked perilously upwards. 這條小道絕險地蜿蜒而上。
  • We came perilously close to disaster. 我們險些出了大亂子。
  • We climbed rather perilously down a rope-ladder to the boat below. 我們冒著危險沿著繩梯爬到了下邊的小船上。
  • Urban unemployment would rise perilously. 城市的失業率上升到警戒水平。
  • They were perilously close to the edge of the precipice. 他們離懸崖邊很近,十分危險。
  • We climbed rather perilously down a rope - ladder to the boat below. 我們冒著相當大的危險沿著繩梯爬到了下面的船上。
  • But if he does, it could leave him perilously short of money to carry on fighting. 但他若真的否決,這將使其面臨無錢作戰的危險境地。
  • Another is the exacerbation of social tensions in what is a perilously unequal country. 另一個結果就是加劇了這個不平等到危機四伏的國家中的社會緊張。
  • But even with all that bailing, Spanish Banks have still come perilously close to failing. 但即使接受了這么多的救援資金,西班牙的銀行依然處境危險,瀕臨倒閉。
  • One might in fact think that Nesbitt is getting perilously close to cultural stereotyping. 有人可能會認為事實上尼斯貝特有不斷接近文化定勢的危險。
  • After all, it was not long ago that even the house of Wallenberg came perilously close to losing its bank. 畢竟瓦倫堡殿堂差一點失去它的銀行還是不久以前的事情。
  • "The law does not admit of torture, though," the doctor ventured to say; "and this is coming perilously near it." “可是法律並不允許動用酷刑,”醫生斗膽說道,“這就近乎動用酷刑了。”
  • And when you have a lunatic controlling the nuclear codes, even a few months seems like a perilously long time to wait. 並且,一旦你想到是由一個瘋子在控制著核代碼,即便只有幾個月,也會感到度日如年。
  • In a move that treaded perilously close to the dark side, Luke set out to hunt down Lumiya and avenge his wife's death. 盧克鋌而走險,踏進黑暗面的邊緣,出發追尋盧米婭,為死去的妻子報仇。
  • In a move that treaded perilously close to the dark side, Luke set out to hunt down Lumiya and avenge his wife's death. 盧克鋌而走險,踏進黑暗面的邊緣,出發搜捕盧米婭,為亡妻報仇。
  • In October, the water level in the vast Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia, which feeds into the Mekong River, was perilously low. 去年10月,向湄公河輸送淡水的高棉大湖洞里薩湖的水位低到了非常危險的程度。
  • I hadn't either, but apparently we're perilously close in some cases to running out of common things like copper, tin, and silver. 儘管我沒想過,但是事實已經很明顯,有時候我們已經接近了危險的邊緣,快要耗盡了像銅,錫和銀這樣普通的原材料。
  • That would push jobless rates into double digits in much of the rich world and leave many countries perilously close to deflation. 那將使大多數富裕國家的失業率達到兩位數,繼而帶來可怕的通貨緊縮。
  • The East Wing is perilously behind in planning for the Easter Egg Roll. Is the White House dropping the ball — or rather, the ovoid? 東翼在規劃復活節滾彩蛋活動的進度上嚴重滯後。白宮是要把這個活動搞砸嗎,或者說要把彩蛋搞砸?
  • Multiply that by the 20 weeks Megan and Alice spent here -around six stone - and it's easy to see how perilously ill both girls were. 算上梅根和愛麗絲在這裡度過的二十周,那她們應該已經長了6英石。很容易看出這些女孩曾經病得多危險。
  • Images published on the ministry's website showed wreckage strewn across the road and an inhabited area perilously close in the background. 緊急情況部網站上的圖片顯示,地上到處都是碎片,一個居民區距現場非常近。
  • Though I came of age in the 1960s when the borderline between "teacher" and "student" became perilously porous, I am not that kind of teacher. 雖然我經歷過20世紀60年代——那個“教師”和“學生”間的界線再非牢不可破的年代,我並不是那種老師。
  • The figure was below market forecasts and perilously close to dipping below the 50 line that would signal a contraction in industrial activity. 這一數字低於市場預期而且已經危險地接近於標誌著工業製造緊縮的50紅線以下。
  • Next year Africa could get its first new country, to be called South Sudan, for almost 20 years. But the fledgling state looks perilously weak. 明年,非洲將擁有一個新國家,這個國家叫做南蘇丹,已經成立20年。但這個支離破碎的國家似乎太虛弱,前方道路危機四伏。
  • Off Japan's northeastern coast, an oil tanker lay eerily stranded in shallow water. Inland, in Sendai, a black mini-van perched perilously on a metal post. 日本東北部海岸不遠處,一艘油輪怪異地擱淺在淺水區。在內陸的仙台,則有輛小麵包車停在危險地金屬樁上。
  • Farmers have since credited the ash with enriching their soil — one reason why many Icelanders and others continue to live perilously close to active volcanoes. 農民們相信火山灰會使土地更加肥沃,這也是為什麼許多冰島人依然住在活火山邊的原因之一。
  • This is the shocking moment a baby was allowed to crawl perilously close to the edge of a steep cliff in Norway so that her parents could snap a keepsake photograph. 這真是一個驚險時刻!一對父母為了給孩子拍紀念照,讓自家的小嬰兒趴在挪威的一座陡峭的懸崖邊緣,情況特別危險。


