- 外文名:old-fashioned
- 釋義:老式的, 過時的, 守舊的
Old Fashioned 《Old Fashioned》是Panic! At The Disco演唱的歌曲。該曲目由Sam Hollander、Toby Wincorn、Kenneth Harris、布倫登·尤里、Jake Sinclair創作,收錄於2018年6月22日發行的錄音室專輯《Pray For The Wicked》中。歌曲歌詞 ...
fashioned iron[材] 型鋼 ; 異型鋼 雙語例句 She scorned their views as old-fashioned.她對他們的觀點嗤之以鼻,認為陳腐過時。The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.那幢房子陰暗、老式,並且破爛。An old...
《Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy》是Queen演唱的歌曲,由填詞,譜曲,收錄在專輯《A Day at the Races》中。Queen在A Day at the Races Tour和News of the World Tour上都演唱了了這首歌。歌詞 I can dim the lights And sing ...
《An Old-Fashioned Girl》是由Arthur Dreifuss執導的電影,由Gloria Jean、Jimmy Lydon、John Hubbard等人主演,於1949年在美國上映。劇情簡介 年輕女子離家掙錢養家,這對她的性別和社會地位來說是不正常的。製作發行 製作公司:Vinson ...
1.ADJDated things or ideas seem old-fashioned, although they may once have been fashionable or modern. 過時的 短語搭配 dated securities 定期證券 Dated instrument 有期限的工具 STALE DATED 如為陳舊票據 ; 翻譯 dated stock ...
1.ADJ You use damnable to emphasize that you dislike or disapprove of something a great deal. 討厭的 [OLD-FASHIONED, VULGAR][ADJ n]2. damnably ADV[ADV adj]短語搭配 damnable business 糟透的企業 damnable conduct 可憎...
archaic,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“古代的;陳舊的;古體的;古色古香的”。單詞用法 ADJArchaic means extremely old or extremely old-fashioned. 陳舊的; 早已過時的 短語搭配 Archaic Period 古風時期 ; ...
1.ADJ If you say that someone or something is staid, you mean that they are serious, dull, and rather old-fashioned. 嚴肅呆板的; 過時的 短語搭配 staid d 沉靜的 ; 認真的 staid jaunty 穩重的 staid a 認真的 puckis...
thyself,英語單詞,主要用作為代詞,譯為“你自己(古語)”。單詞用法 根據《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 》:PRON Thyself is an old-fashioned, poetic, or religious word for "yourself" when you are talking to only one person. ...
1.N-UNCOUNT People sometimes refer to money or profit as lucre, especially when they think that it has been obtained by dishonest means. 阿堵物; 金錢收益; 不義之財 [HUMOROUS, OLD-FASHIONED]短語搭配 filth lucre 贓款 ...
anachronism,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“時代錯誤;不合潮流的人或物”。單詞用法 N-COUNT You say that something is an anachronism when you think that it is out of date or old-fashioned. 過時 N-COUNT An...
天啊!(christ的委婉說法,表示驚訝,不耐煩)”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 cripes /kraɪps/ 1.INTERJ an expression of surprise 天啊!; 表示驚訝的表達 [OLD-FASHIONED, slang]短語搭配 Cooked Cripes 牛大肚 ...
Like Munich, its residents are formal, but with small doses of courtliness, polite forms of address and formal dress attire, the residents of Vienna tend to be equally modern and old-fashioned.和慕尼黑一樣,維也納的...
thespian /ˈθɛspɪən/ ( thespians )1.N-COUNT A thespian is an actor or actress. 演員 [HUMOROUS, OLD-FASHIONED]2.ADJ Thespian means relating to drama and the theatre. 戲劇的 [老式] [ADJ n]
1.V-T If you disport yourself somewhere, you amuse yourself there in a happy and energetic way. 自娛自樂 [HUMOROUS, OLD-FASHIONED]短語搭配 disport hub 分前端機房 disport t 玩耍 disport levels 分層次 Disport oneself ...
2.N-COUNT If someone describes a man as a pansy, they mean that he is a homosexual. 男同性戀 [INFORMAL, OFFENSIVE, OLD-FASHIONED]短語搭配 Pansy Ho 何超瓊 pansy y 三色堇 ; 紫羅蘭色 ; 潘西 Echeveria Pansy 雀三色堇...
(old-fashioned, informal)各位;大家;每個人 everyone Happy New Year to one and all!祝各位新年快樂!one and only 絕無僅有的;唯一的;有名的 used to emphasize that sb is famous Here he is, the one and only Van ...
GOFAI (Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence) 有效的老式人工智慧。人工智慧領域, GOFAI 泛指用最原始的人工智慧的邏輯方法解決小領域的問題, 例如棋類遊戲的算法。GOFAI最早出現於1986年,John Haugeland的Artificial Intelligence: ...
broomstick,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“掃帚柄;帚柄”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 broomstick /ˈbruːmˌstɪk/ ( broomsticks )1.N-COUNT A broomstick is an old-fashioned broom that has a bunch of...
bloomers,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“燈籠褲(bloomer的複數)”。單詞用法 N-PLURALBloomers are an old-fashioned kind of women's underwear consisting of wide, loose pants gathered at the knees. 一種過時的女士...
anachronistic,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“時代錯誤的”。單詞用法 ADJ You say that something is anachronistic when you think that it is out of date or old-fashioned. 過時的 短語搭配 anachronistic view...
ADJ If you describe something as antiquated, you are criticizing it because it is very old or old-fashioned. 陳舊的; 過時的 [表不滿]短語搭配 antiquated idea 陳舊觀念 ; 過時觀念 ; 詳細翻譯 antiquated notion 過時的...