《occult america》是2010年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Mitch Horowitz。
- 中文名:occult america
- 作者:Mitch Horowitz
- 出版社:Random House US
- ISBN:9780553385151
《occult america》是2010年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Mitch Horowitz。
《Haunted & Paranormal America Top 10 Haunted Places in the USA: Ghosts, Occult, Clairvoyant, Haunting, Ghost, Horror Mystery》是一本圖書。內容簡介 The Cambridge dictionary describes haunted as a place where ghosts...
奧奇賢者(Dr. Occult)開始了他的超自然偵探生涯。1936年 非洲裔美國運動員威爾·埃弗雷特(Will Everett)在柏林奧運會上獲得了幾枚獎牌,但由於當時盛行的種族主義,他回國後找不到工作,後來成為了特瑞·柯提斯博士(Dr. Terry Curtis)的實驗室管理員。奧奇賢者在面對超自然對手科思(Koth)時,短暫採用了帶有一...
納粹與希特勒 Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy (1998) ...Narrator (voice)納粹與希特勒 / 揭秘:納粹神秘的罪惡陰謀 邪惡園丁 The Gardener (1998) ...Ben Carter Blumen des BösenJardí del mal, El 泳池女郎 Hugo Pool (1997) ...Henry Dugay Piscinas de Hugo, LasPool Girl 脫線先生 Mr. Magoo (19...
Since his death, various occult organizations have adopted him as a model figure or even as a powerful deity. 自從他死後,各種各樣的神秘組織把他當作模範甚至是一個強大的神。Before it even has time to ferment, to quickly offer something to the deity again, to procure favor for the rest of ...
奧奇賢者(Doctor Occult)是美國漫畫《新趣漫畫》中的角色。奧奇賢者,本名理察·奧奇(Richard Occult),是全明星中隊成員,DC宇宙超級英雄的元老以及魔法界的重量級人物。人物背景 1935年《超人》(Superman)的繪者喬.舒斯特(Joe Shuster)和編劇傑里.西格爾(Jerry Siegel)共同創造奧奇賢者,首刊於1935年10月...
the pupils opening and closing as he stares at other worlds. Although some characters wander in from King's inferior occult Western Dark Tower series, their cartoony, computer-graphic effects making them seem in the wrong novel, this minor lapse fades before King's memory-symphony of America du...
occult filariasis 隱性絲蟲病 infantile filariasis 小兒絲蟲病 brug filariasis 馬來絲蟲病 brugia filariasis 馬來絲蟲病 filariasis medinensis 翻譯 ; 麥地那絲蟲病 filariasis chyluria 絲蟲性乳糜尿 cerebrospinal filariasis 腦脊髓絲蟲病 timorian filariasis 帝汶絲蟲病 filariasis antigen 絲蟲抗原 雙語例句 Filariasis...
bohemian life of uncertain finances, love-affairs, avant-garde friends and experiments with drugs and occultism prefaces his attempt to unite politics with high culture and his creation of an Irish national theatre. Constantly shifting between Dublin, Coole Park and London, with forays to America ...