- 外文名:nurturing
- 詞性:名詞、及物動詞
- 發音:['nɜːrtʃər]
英 ['nɜːtʃə(r)] 美 ['nɜːrtʃər]
vt. 養育;培育;照顧;扶持
n. 養育;培育;環境因素
NURTURING RAIN 滋潤的雨 ; 唱片名 ; 孕育的小雨
Nurturing Instinct 哺育本能 ; 治癒本能
Nurturing Mask 強效滋潤面膜 ; 敏感肌膚適用 ; 抗敏感保濕滋養面膜 ; 舒緩滋潤面膜
Nurturing People 養育人才
nurturing for life 培養生活 ; 為培養生活 ; 生命的培養
Nurturing Rich Creme 培育豐富霜 ; 培育富霜 ; 培養豐富的奶油
Nurturing me to maturity 要養我長大
nurturing way 培育途徑
venture nurturing 創業培養
- These delicate plants need careful nurturing. 這些幼嫩的植物需要精心培育。
- We should consider friendship as a gift, which is worth treasuring and nurturing. 我們應該把友誼看作是一份值得我們珍惜和養育的禮物。
- What is Lead Nurturing? 什麼是培養銷售線索?
- Careers need nurturing just like children do. 工作也像孩子一樣需要好好照顧。
- To play with children, nurturing my inner child 與孩子們嬉戲,養育童心
- To play with children, nurturing my inner child. 與孩子們嬉戲,養育童心。
- Atheist parents appreciate this nurturing environment. 無神論者的父母感激這個培養環境。
- The ova must be cautious, selective and nurturing. 卵巢必須謹慎,選擇和滋養。
- With their aggressive males and nurturing females. 即雄性好戰,雌性慈愛。
- We can combat groupthink by nurturing authentic dissent. 為了對抗這種思維,我們可以培育權威的不同意見。
- Left nostril is feminine, nurturing, calm and cooling. 左鼻孔代表女性化、溫吞、平靜和鎮定。
- Plant the seeds of your heart, in nurturing and powerful LOVE. 將種籽在滋養與大能的愛中種植在你的心田吧!
- If that means nurturing boys with explosions, that's a price worth paying. 如果這意味著用爆炸來培養男孩,那這個付出也是值得的。
- The nurturing (mothering) perspective to smoothing team interactions. 從養育(育兒)的角度來使團隊互動更平滑。
- That in turn stabilizes Earth's climate, which is good for nurturing life. 也就使地球上的氣候穩定從而有助於孕育生命。
- “It’s really wonderful, ” she said. “They’re really nurturing, great mentors.” “它真是太美妙了,”她說到,“他們真正給予培訓,並且有很好的導師。”
- Now he is turning his attention to nurturing the next generation of innovators. 現在,他已經將注意力轉向培育下一代的創新者。
- All such entities need nurturing and adaptation to changing circumstances over time. 所有這些實體都需要精心照顧,適應不斷變化的環境。
- So how can organisations balance efficiency with retaining and nurturing the best employees? 那么,在效率與留住和培養最優秀員工之間,組織如何能做到平衡呢?
- Part of love is nurturing, and if you can't nurture yourself, you're not ready for love. 愛的一部分是養護,如果你都不能養護自己,你就還不適合去愛。
- Indeed, whales and humans have even evolved a similar nurturing style of grandparenting. 事實上,鯨和人類的祖母照看後代的培育模式也非常相似。
- Instead, spend time nurturing your relationships with the people who matter most to you. 多花心思去經營與你最在乎的人的關係。
- FOR: Reputation as best coach in the game and also skilled at unearthing and nurturing talent. 優勢:被譽為最好的足球指導教練,並且擅長挖掘和培養天才球員。
- She took over the nurturing duties, after the baby felines were abandoned by their mother. 這些幼崽寶寶被母親拋棄後,這條狗接管了撫養的責任。
- Children require stimulating, supportive and nurturing care when their parents are not available. 父母不在身邊的時候,兒童需要激勵、支持性、培育性的關愛。
- Do the things you love to do. By nurturing yourself, you will have more to give your partner. 做你愛做的事,在豐富自己的過程中可以給另一半帶來更多的欣喜。
- Managers talk about nurturing and inspiring the human spirit. Entrepreneurs talk about coffee. 管理者在談論著激勵及滋潤人類心靈的時候,企業家在談論著咖啡。