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  • 外文名:nimbus
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈnɪmbəs]
  • 美式音標:[ˈnɪmbəs]


英 [ˈnɪmbəs] 美 [ˈnɪmbəs]
n. (人和物產生的)靈氣;光輪;[氣象] 雨雲;光輝燦爛的氣氛
[ 複數 nimbi或nimbuses ]


Nimbus grey 雨雲灰色 ; 雨雲灰
Raging Nimbus 狂暴雨雲
fracto-nimbus 碎雨雲
pallio-nimbus 層狀雨雲
cumulo-nimbus 積雨雲 ; 積亂雲
Nimbus Trade 光環追蹤
Nimbus Reading Lamp 兩用照明燈
nimbus-cumuliformis 積狀雨雲


  • We are overshadowed by a nimbus of ideas. 想法周圍的光環讓我們相形見絀。
  • And then he vanishes in a nimbus of energy. 然後他就在一道能量光環中消逝不見了。
  • Rain or snow usually comes from nimbus clouds. 雨和雪通常都是來自雨雲。
  • One expert panel debated a nimbus cloud theory. 一個專家小組匯集了關於雲霧方面的理論。
  • A nimbus and beauty irrelative with the appearance. 一種與外表無關的靈氣和美麗。
  • The candidate was encompassed with a nimbus of fame . 候選人當時處於蜚聲四起的氣氛中。
  • That's not just a broomstick, Harry. it's a Nimbus 2000! 那可不是一把普通的掃帚,哈利,那是光輪2000!
  • Nimbus is another IaaS solution focused on scientific computing. Nimbus是一種以科學計算為中心的IaaS解決方案。
  • Look, "Harry heard one of them say," the new Nimbus Two Thousand - fastest ever. 看,“哈利聽見他們中的一個人說,”光輪兩千——這可是迄今為止速度最快的啊。
  • It seemed to Cosette that Marius had a crown, and to Marius that Cosette had a nimbus. 珂賽特仿佛覺得馬呂斯戴著一頂王冠,馬呂斯也仿佛覺得珂賽特頂著一圈光輪。
  • Emmylou Harris is still a goddess in my book, with that nimbus of silver hair floating past her shoulders. 艾米盧·哈里斯到現在都還是我心目中的女神,她那銀色秀髮靈光拂過雙肩令我傾倒。
  • Lasaye is as loyal to Nimbus as any undead is to her master. And this is why Nimbus doesn't trust Lasaye too much. 拉思葉對寧博司的忠誠就像其它忘靈對她的主人一樣,這也是寧博司並沒有太信任拉思葉的原因。
  • Nimbus is a quickly deployable system that can be flown to any part of the world and can carry up to 18 tonnes of dispersant. Nimbus號是一個可以在全球範圍內作業的快速反應系統,它可以攜帶18噸的分散劑。
  • Draco Malfoy's father purchased a set of Nimbus 2001 brooms for the team in exchange for their allowing Draco to play Seeker. 德拉科·馬爾福的父親以為球隊購買一整套光輪2001為交換讓球隊同意讓德拉科擔當找球手。
  • A nimbus of white light appeared around his head, growing larger and more intense until it completely encompassed the monk's body. 他腦後出現了一個白色的光環,然後越變越大,直到光包圍了他整個身體。
  • With Nimbus, you can lease remote resources (such as those provided by Amazon EC2) and manage them locally (configure, deploy VMs, monitor, etc.). 使用Nimbus,你可以借用遠程資源(比如由AmazonEC2提供的遠端資源)並能對它們進行本地管理(配置、部署VM、監視等)。
  • Today, poets who adhere to divinity and inherit the tradition of national poetry, they write at the distance of illusory nimbus, just like hermit. 今天,遵從神性、秉承民族詩歌傳統的詩人們,他們在虛幻光環的遠處寫著,就如隱者。
  • From above, a gray-blue nimbus flowed from the skylight, not reflecting or refracting but rather rippling and gliding, becoming part of his silken mane and sinewy limbs. 頭頂上,一圈灰藍色的光輪從天光中流瀉而下,不反光不眩目,卻是光影婆娑,和他的大理石濃髮和強壯的四肢交相輝映。
  • On the other hand, several pictures of Christ in the catacombs, dating from the fourth century, indicate the period when the nimbus was first used in the way familiar to us. 在另一方面,一些照片的基督在地窟,建於四世紀時,應註明期時,靈氣是第一次使用的方式,我們熟悉的。
  • Elegant and regal with a nimbus of white hair, the founder, Renée Héraux, 77, greeted the women with a home remedy for distress. One by one, she fed them spoonfuls of a sugar cane syrup concoction. 該大學的創建者是77歲的Renee Heraux,她十分優雅且帶著帝王氣,銀絲散發著靈氣,她用家庭減壓療法向她們問好並給她們一個個餵了幾勺蔗糖漿。


