- 外文名:nephrostomy
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[ni'frɔstəmi]
- 釋義:腎造口術
Percutyourous nephrostomy 經皮腎造瘺術
percutaneous nephrostomy 經皮腎穿刺造瘺術 ; 經皮腎造瘺術 ; 經皮腎穿刺造瘺 ; 經皮腎造瘺
Percutanous nephrostomy 經皮腎造瘺術
permanent nephrostomy 永久性腎造口術
nephrostomy ĥ 腎造口術
nephrostomy tube 腎造瘺管
Revision nephrostomy 釋義腎造口修改術
irrigation nephrostomy 腎造口沖洗
nephrostomy E 腎造口術
Penal stones may be removed instrumentally via percutaneous nephrostomy or by irrigation through a tube placed directly into the kidney.腎結石可通過皮穿器械摘除,或者經皮穿刺腎造瘺或經腎直接置管進行沖洗。
Objective to discuss the effectiveness and safety of combined trans-urethral ureteroscopy and percutaneous nephrostomy method for the treatment of complex renal-ureteral calculi.目的探討經尿道輸尿管鏡和經皮輸尿管鏡聯合治療複雜腎輸尿管結石的療效和安全性。
Further studies are warranted to define additional measures to reduce discomfort in those requiring nephrostomy tube drainage following percutaneous nephrolithotomy.需要進一步研究探討減少在經皮腎鏡術後腎盂引流管帶來不適的另外手段。