- 外文名:munificence
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[mjuːˈnɪfɪsns]
- 美式發音:[mjuːˈnɪfɪsns]
munificence bounty 賞金恩惠
Medical munificence 的翻譯是醫療寬宏大量
environmental munificence 豐富性
munificence E 慷慨
Courtesy of the Lechero's munificence 這是勒齊的慷慨恩賜
Lord Ashcroft's munificence accounts for less than the 10% of party income he has said it once made up.阿什克羅夫特勳爵曾經表示他的資助占保守黨的收入的10%,而現在已經遠遠達不到這一比例了。
WITH a munificence that accompanies 9% growth, India recently played host to some South African development experts, who were invited to inspect sanitation and low-cost housing.印度的自由經濟取得了9%的增長,並在最近邀請南非發展(組織)的專家,對其衛生設施和廉租房問題進行考察。
But this kind of giving has been hampered by a lingering British snootiness about large donations from wealthy men such as Mr Ofer, who expect public recognition for their munificence.但這樣的捐款卻因為英國人一直以來對富豪大筆捐款的不屑而被擱置。 奧林佛這樣的富豪希望在捐款後得到公眾對他慷慨精神的認可。