- 外文名:meiofauna
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:['maiəu,fɔ:nə]
- 釋義:較小型底棲生物,較小型水底生物
隱性生物擾動 隱性生物擾動(cryptobioturbation)是指由顆粒間的較小動物群(meiofauna)和小型動物群產生的生物擾動,它們對沉積顆粒的搬運距離很短。隱性生物擾動可使沉積結構變得鬆軟和分散,導致均一化。
中型土壤動物是指中等大小的動物(體長大於40公忽,即約為人發粗細的3倍以上)。 線蟲、息彈尾類、原尾類、燭等是典型的中型土壤動物。中型土壤動物 mesofauna 亦作meiofauna。形態特徵 它們的食性不同︰線蟲攝食物微生物,其他土壤動物則食腐解中的植物性或動物性物質和活的植物;而原尾類可能只吞食真菌。大...
微型底棲動物(microfauna)是指分選時能通過42μm孔徑網篩的生物,主要是原生動物(Protozoa)等。小型底棲動物(meiofauna)是指分選時能通過0.5 mm孔徑網篩而被42μm孔徑網篩留住的動物,主要類群包括:自由生活海洋線蟲(free—living marine nematodes),底棲橈足類(benthic copepods)、介形類(Ostracoda)、動吻(Kino...
[3]HUA Er, ZHANG Zhinan, ZHANG Yan. Meiofauna distributions at the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary waters. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2006, 25 (5): 120-134 (SCI)[4]HUA Er, ZHANG Zhinan. Four Newly Recorded Free-living Marine Nematodes (Comesomatidae)...
從神秘莫測的宇宙來論述事物。How to separating meiofauna accurately from sediments is an unfathomed problem, because meiofauna has the similar size and density with sediment granules.由於小型底棲生物的大小、比重等物理特性與沉積物顆粒接近,如何高精度地分離樣品成為一個難題。同近義詞 outstanding,unsolved ...
the Development of Ancient DNA Analysis Techniques.COM on C.A.2010, 4:34-41.30. Fu SS, Mu FH, Yang SC,Wang CC. Study on the spatial-temporal distribution of Meiofauna in the intertidal zone of Cangkou, Qingdao.Periodical of Ocean University of China . 2012, 42(Sup.): 124-130.
(4)Ingels, J., Santos, G., Hicks, N., Vazquez, Y. V., Neres, P.F., Pontes, L.P., Amorim, M.N., Roman S., Yongfen Du, Stahl, H., Somerfield, P., Widdicombe, S.2018. Short-term CO2 exposure and temperature rise effects on metazoan meiofauna and free-living nematodes ...
9. Huang Yong, Zhang Zhinan, Liu Xiaoshou, 2005. Studies on the community structures of meiofauna and marine nematode at six stations in the Southern Yellow Sea, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 4(1): 34-42.10. Tian Shengyan, Zhang Zhinan, Liu Xiaoshou, Yu Zishan, 2006...