- 外文名:meadowy
- 詞性:形容詞
- 發音:['mɛdoi]
- 釋義:牧草地的;草地般的
牧場草坪 牧場草坪(meadowy land)是1996年公布的園林學名詞。公布時間 1996年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《建築園林城市規劃名詞》第一版。
主場:梅朵巷球場(Meadow Lane)球場座位數:20300 主場隊服:上身黑白間條,下身黑色 2015年陣容 球隊陣容 借用球員 外借球員 球隊紀錄 俱樂部榮譽 英格蘭乙級聯賽冠軍 1896/97,1913/14,1922/23,2009/2010 英格蘭丙級聯賽(南區)冠軍 1930/31,1949/50 英格蘭丙級聯賽冠軍 1997/98 英格蘭丁級聯賽冠軍 1970/71...
草甸(Meadow)是一種繁花似錦的山地類生物群系。該生物群系的地表由草方塊組成,色調略微偏冷。草方塊上方只會長有草和大量1格高的花。珍異橡樹和高白樺會罕見地獨立生成於此,且皆帶有蜂巢。這裡的花有時以單一種類大面積分布,有時則多種交錯分布。櫻花樹林 櫻花樹林(Cherry Grove)是一種花團錦簇的山地類...
, XinQuan Zhao, Jianshe Xiao, Yanhong Tang, Jingyun Fang, Juan Zhang, Sha Jiang. (2011) High positive correlation between soil temperature and NDVI from 1982 to 2006 in alpine meadow of the Three-River Source Region on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Applied Earth ...
1. Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Lü, S., Su, P., Shang, L., Li, Z. 2016. Biophysical regulation of carbon fluxes over an alpine meadow ecosystem in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Biometeorology, 60(6), 1-12.2. Wang S, Zhang Y, Lü S., Liu H., Shang L. ...
2、Cao Guangmin, Tang Yanhong,Mo Wenhong, Wang Yuesi, Li Yingnian, Zhao Xingquan, 2004. Grazing intensity alters soil respiration in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan plateau. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,3、Du Y.G.,Cui Y.G.,Xu X.L. ,Liang D.Y.,Long R.J,Cao G.M.,2008,...
閉關2年,And Also The Trees推出了第二張正式專輯《Virus Meadow》,這絕對是一張偉大的專輯,從第一首Slow pulse boy開始,And Also The Trees的聲音就是獨特而完美的,Nick Havas的鼓技可謂傳統歌特搖滾的典範,比起Sister of Mercy的鼓機也毫不遜色,Justin Jones的吉他演奏十分獨到,隨意的幾個音符,音色里...
Sink or source: alternative roles of glacier foreland meadow soils in methane emission is regulated by glacier melting on the Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in microbiology, 2022,13, 862242. [11] Liu, Keshao, Liu, Yongqin*, Hu, Anyi, Wang, Feng, Liang, Jie, Zhang, Zhihao, Anslan,Sten, Ji...
[7] Haitao Wu, Xianguo Lu, Donghui Wu, Xiaomin Yin. Biogenic structures of two ant species Formica sanguinea and Lasius flavus altered soil C, N and P distribution in a meadow wetland of the Sanjiang Plain,China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2010, 46(3):321-328.[8] Wu Haitao, Lu Xianguo,...
7. Sun Geng, Luo Peng, Wu Ning*, P.F.Qiu, Y.H Gao, H. Chen, F.S Shi (2009): Stellera chamaejasme L. increases soil N availability, turnover rates and microbial biomass in an alpine meadow ecosystem on the eastern Tibetan Plateau of China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry.41:86-91.8....
L. Zhao, J. Li, S. Xu, H. Zhou, Y. Li, S. Gu, and X. Zhao. Seasonal variations in carbon dioxide exchange in an alpine wetland meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Biogeosciences Discuss.2009, 6: 9005-9044.科研項目 國家自然科學基金重點項目子課題(41030105-01): 放牧引起高寒草地...
Bertie and Jeeves return in a hilarious affair of mix-ups and mishaps. With the approval of the Wodehouse estate, acclaimed novelist Sebastian Faulks brings these two back to life for their legion of fans. Bertie, nursing a bit of heartbreak over the recent engagement of one Georgina Meadowes...
《Life Of A Kid In The Ghetto》是Ed O.G演唱的英文歌曲。Life Of A Kid In The Ghetto - Ed O.G "Kid from the ghetto, kiddie from the city"Now growin up as a kid in the ghetto There wasn't no horses, no lake or no meadow And I bet you'll find it hard for you to settle I...