male factor, the

male factor, the

《male factor, the》是2009年Random House US出版的圖書。作者是Shaunti Feldhahn。


  • 中文名:male factor, the
  • 作者:Shaunti Feldhahn
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780385528115 


Based on a nationwide survey and confidential interviews withmore than three thousand men, bestselling author of For WomenOnly, Shaunti Feldhahn, has written a startling andunprecedented exploration of how men in the workplace tend tothink, which even the most astute women might otherwise miss. InThe Male Factor, Feldhahn investigates and quantifies theprivate thoughts that men almost never publicly reveal or admit to,but that every woman will want to know.
Never before has an author gotten inside the hearts and minds ofmen in the workplace—from CEOs to managers, from lawyers to factoryworkers—to get a comprehensive and confidential picture of what mencommonly think about their female colleagues, how they viewflextime and equal compensation, what their expected “rules” of theworkplace are, what managing emotion means, and how that lowcut topis perceived. Because the men in the surveys and interviews wereguaranteed anonymity, they talk in a candid and uncensored wayabout their daily interactions with women bosses, employees, andcolleagues, as well as what they see as the most common forces offriction and misunderstanding between men and women at work.
Among the subjects The Male Factor tackles are:
? how men, with rare exception, view almost any emotional displayas a sign that the person can no longer think clearly—as well aswhat they perceive to be “emotion” in the first place (it’s notjust crying)
? why certain trendy clothes that women wear may create acareer-sabotaging land mine in terms of how male colleaguesperceive them
? the unintentional signals that can change a man’s perception of awoman from “assertive and competent” to “difficult”
Women will likely be surprised, even shocked, by these revelations.Some may find them challenging. Yet what they will gain is aninvaluable understanding of how their male bosses, colleagues,subordinates, and customers react to a host of situations—as wellas the ability to correct common misperceptions. The MaleFactor offers a unique road map to what men in the workplaceare thinking, allowing women the opportunity to decide forthemselves how to use the insights Feldhahn reveals.


SHAUNTI FELDHAHN is the best-selling author of For Women Only:What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men and For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women. Her books have sold two million copies and have been translated into fifteen different languages. A longtime nationally sydicated columnist, she holds a master's degree in public policy from Harvard University, has worked on Wall Street, and now lives in Atlanta, Georgia.


