long-standing ,英文單詞, adj. 長期存在的standing
- 外文名:long-standing
- 類別:英文單詞
long-standing ,英文單詞, adj. 長期存在的standing
[long-standing friendship] 長期保持的友誼 基本解釋:老 lǎo 年紀大,時間長,有經驗,年長的,陳舊的:老當益壯。老朋友。老練。老化。少年老成。老馬識途。對年紀大的人的尊稱:吳老。老人家。老大爺。老前輩。極,很:老早...
(B)long-standingandnoteworthyrelationship (C)formalwrittenaccountofanincident (D)branchofknowledgefocusedonthepast (E)creativeworkbasedonhistoricalevents(選自2006年5月SAT真題)這個題問我們原文提到的"history"指的是什麼?讀一下原文...
老的,積久的 [old;long-standing] 民有宿逋不可誠於上供者,必代而輸之。——唐· 杜牧《吏部尚書·崔公行狀》又如:宿氣(舊怨;舊仇);宿憤(舊怨;舊恨);宿罪(舊有的罪過);宿好(老交情);宿恩(以往的恩德);宿嫌(舊日的...
long-standing 夙慧;夙願前契 早。 early 《詩·衛風·碩人》:“大夫夙退,無使君勞。 晉陸機《以逝賦》:“痛靈根之夙損,怨具爾之多喪。” 夙殞;夙辦;夙就 [3] [5] 古籍釋義 語音 說文解字 早敬也。從丮夕。持...
[be remote in time or space;long-standing;long]∶長久,遙遠;如:悠悠長夜。[remote]∶遙遠的;如:悠悠未來。[leisurely]∶形容從容不迫;[many]∶眾多;[absurd]∶荒謬;如:悠悠之談。[flying]∶飄動的樣子;例句:羌笛悠悠霜...
as one of the world’s great military powers. By showing that China’s military dynamism was deeper, longer lasting, and more quickly recovered than previously understood, The Gunpowder Age challenges long-standing explan...
3、Apathy is the long-standing curse of democracy. 冷漠是民主的長期禍根。4、Maybe there is a curse on my family. 也許存在對我的家族的詛咒。5、He muttered a curse at the other driver. 他低聲咒罵另一位開...
Shawn Doherty is now a renowned archaeologist and biblical scholar at the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art. He has recently obtained permission for a final dig beneath Saint Peter's in Rome—despite a long-standing ...
articles reprinted in the work will appear substantially unchanged, with individual addenda in which the author will consider the impact of subsequent work by himself and others. The papers contain solutions to long-standing ...
^Correcting Two Long-Standing Errors in Point Group Symmetry Character Tables Randall B. Shirts J. Chem. Educ. 2007, 84, 1882.Abstract^Group Theory and the Vibrations of Polyatomic Molecules Jenny E. Rosenthal and G. M...
arch enemies, the gangsters Ricky and Ronnie Rat, want in on the action. But the mice devise a daring plan to lead the nightwatchman's dog to the rats. It's the mice's first victory in their long-standing ...
(B) long-standing and noteworthy relationship (C) formal written account of an incident (D) branch of knowledge focused on the past (E) creative work based on historical events (選自2006年5月SAT真題)這個題問我們原文...
The tradition of “suspended coffee” is a long-standing tradition in Italy that increased in popularity after the Second World War. Agence France-Presse reported last week that the practice was starting to take hold in ...
Chen Tan(第一作者) Intraprocedural arrhythmia termination as an end point for hybrid ablation in patients with long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation: a 2-year follow-up study Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic ...
A long-standing leader in his field, Dr. Challis was the founding Scientific Director of the Lawson Research Institute in 1983, and Vice-President, Research at St. Joseph's Health Centre, London, Ontario. He was also...
traces the emergence of geographical indications as a distinct category while investigating the key distinguishing feature of the link between regional products and their places of origin. The research addresses long-standing ...
The development is an incremental advance in a long-standing goal to produce transgenic milk with nutraceutical powers, said an expert in the field. 長久以來,人們無不想生產功能性營養牛奶,而此進展 是一個里程碑式的突破,...
Under the Berne convention, a long-standing international copyright agreement, copyright owners do not have to register in every country in order to protect their rights.根據歷史悠久的國際著作權協定《伯爾尼公約》,著作權所有人不必...
correspondence of the English economist, Alfred Marshall (1842-1924), one of the leading figures in the development of economics and the founder of the Cambridge School of Economics. The edition fills a long-standing gap...
Neverhas the civilization gone far, nor did the long-standing rays of sunshineconceal their brilliance. The worship of sun came from human being’s relentless pursuit ofstatus and lordship. Nobles of all time make good ...