



  • 外文名:lodging
  • 詞性:名詞




tourist lodging 旅遊住宿
Lodging Industry 住宿業 ; 飯店業 ; 旅館業 ; 酒店業
Lodging administration 住宿管理
Lodging car 宿營車
stem lodging 莖倒伏 ; 莖倒
Lodging managers 旅館經理 ; 宿舍管理員 ; 住宿經理
Ascot Lodging 阿斯科特寄宿酒店
Sauerdough Lodging 薩多福旅舍
Midtown Lodging 中城住宿旅館


  • 1He was given free lodging.他得到了免費住宿。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2While taller wheat competed better for sunlight, they had a tendency to collapse under the weight of extra grain—a trait called lodging.雖然較高的小麥能更好地爭奪陽光,但它們在額外穀粒的重壓下會有倒塌的傾向——這種特性被稱為倒伏。
  • 3The Department for Education's guidance says schools can charge only for board and lodging if the trip is part of the syllabus, and that students receiving government aid are exempt from these costs.教育部的領導說,如果旅行是教學大綱的一部分,學校只可以收取食宿費用,而且接受政府資助的學生不需要支付這些費用。
  • 4A brave lodging for such as we, is it not so?對我們這樣的人來說,這不是一個華麗的住處嗎?
  • 5"That would be a noble lodging for us," said the cock.“那對我們來說將是一個高貴的住所。”公雞說。
  • 6Recent reports found that lodging with a student of a different race may decrease prejudice and compel students to engage in more ethnically diverse friendships.最近的報告發現,和不同種族的學生一起住可能會減少偏見,並迫使學生建立更多不同種族的友誼。
  • 7Where can you find lodging for the night?你今晚在哪裡借宿?《新英漢大辭典》
  • 8He spent Christmas Day in his lodging.他在他的住處度過了聖誕節。
  • 9Trust People and you will Receive Free Food and lodging.信賴別人,你會獲得免費食宿。
  • 10The lodging was not comfortable but he had a good dream.住所很不舒服,但他做了一個好夢。
  • 11Their purchases of necessities like safe lodging are forced.購買類似安全居所這樣的生活必需品是被迫的。
  • 12Food and lodging are free, as are extensive recreational facilities.食宿免費,而且有豐富的休閒設施。
  • 13If decent lodging is not built fast enough, slums may spring up instead.假如合適的寓所建的不夠快的話,相反,貧民窟可能湧現。
  • 14We are now lodging a claim against you for the shortweight of fertilizer.我方現向貴方索賠,賠償我方的化肥短缺。
  • 15At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met {Moses} and was about to kill him.摩西在路上住宿的地方,耶和華遇見他,想要殺他。
  • 16When they did provide lodging, it was typically a dorm room crammed with bunk beds.也有些公司提供住宿,但住處只是一個塞滿了雙層床的宿舍罷了。
  • 17I have to admit I had some assumptions as to what these family lodging would look like.我必須承認我對寄宿家庭的樣子做過臆想和假設。
  • 18The resort has waterfront lodging, golf, a spa, marina, and cruises on a historic yacht.這個度假勝地擁有海濱住宿、高爾夫、溫泉浴場、碼頭和乘坐歷史悠久遊艇巡遊活動。
  • 19For those families that have managed to secure lodging, the situation is not much better.對於這些想要找到寄宿地方的家庭來說,這樣的情況可以說是不能再糟糕了。
  • 20I've been quite satisfied with the hotels I've used as lodging before in these cites.我對以前到這些城市時所住過的酒店都很滿意。
  • 21They ask for no payment in return, only that hosts help them pay for travel and lodging.這家人不求酬金回報,只希望在今後旅遊住宿時做東道主的對方為他們提供方便。
  • 22Search patterns for selecting an airline or lodging accommodation are understandably different.人們在選擇航空公司或住宿時的搜尋模式也發生了變化,這就可以理解了。
  • 23But it later emerged that Mr Saleh was badly burned, with shrapnel lodging close to his heart.但是接下來的報導中,薩利赫受到嚴重炮擊,碎片殘存在心臟附近。
  • 24Therefore, it's up to the people at the top of the lodging food chain to do something about this. Now.因此,處在酒店住宿業食物鏈頂端的人們是時候要出手了,而且事不宜遲。
  • 25The very helpful oceanfront tourist office offers maps, good tips on scenic outings and lodging information.熱心的海濱旅遊局提供地圖,在風景秀麗景點郊遊的建議和住宿信息。
  • 26Consumers search for lodging within the context of a particular destination or a destination experience.消費者們在特定的目的地或目的地體驗範圍內搜尋有關住宿的信息。
  • 27There are lodging houses in this locality, but he did not even enter one, finding nothing which suited him.這一帶原有一些供人租用的房舍,但是他甚至進都不進去,因為他沒有找到合適的。
  • 28Meanwhile, the island's main lodging — the 10,000-square-foot Highview — has its own private beach and pier.同時,島上的占地1萬平方英尺的眺景主房配有私家海灘和碼頭。


