locked in the cabinet

locked in the cabinet

《locked in the cabinet》是1998年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Robert B. Reich。


  • 中文名:locked in the cabinet
  • 作者:Robert B. Reich
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780375700613 


Locked in the Cabinet is a close-up view of the way thingswork, and often don't work, at the highest levels ofgovernment--and a uniquely personal account by the man whose ideasinspired and animated much of the Clinton campaign of 1992 and whobecame the cabinet officer in charge of helping ordinary Americansget better jobs. Robert B. Reich, writer, teacher, socialcritic--and a friend of the Clintons since they were all in theirtwenties--came to be known as the "conscience of the Clintonadministration and one of the most successful Labor Secretaries inhistory. Here is his sometimes hilarious, sometimes poignantchronicle of trying to put ideas and ideals into practice.
With wit, passion, and dead-aim honesty, Reich writes of those inWashington who possess hard heads and soft hearts, and those withexactly the opposite attributes. He introduces us to the careerbureaucrats who make Washington run and the politicians who, onoccasion, make it stop; to business tycoons and labor leaders whoclash by day and party together by night; to a president who wantsto change America and his opponents (on both the left and theright) who want to keep it as it is or return it to where it usedto be. Reich guides us to the pinnacles of power and pretension, asbills are passed or stalled, reputations built or destroyed,secrets leaked, numbers fudged, egos bruised, news stories spun,hypocrisies exposed, and good intentions occasionally derailed. Andto the places across America where those who are the objects ofthis drama are simply trying to get by--assembly lines, sweatshops,union halls, the main streets of small towns and the tough streetsof central cities.
Locked in the Cabinet is an intimate odyssey involving amemorable cast--a friend who is elected President of the UnitedStates, only to discover the limits of power; Alan Greenspan, whois the most powerful man in America; and Newt Gingrich, who triesto be. Plus a host of others: White House staffers and cabinetmembers who can't find "the loop ; political consultant DickMorris, who becomes "the loop ; baseball players and owners whocan't agree on how to divide up $2 billion a year; a union leaderwho accuses Reich of not knowing what a screwdriver looks like; aheretofore invisible civil servant deep in the Labor Departmentwhose brainchild becomes the law of the land; and a wondrouscollection of senators, foreign ministers, cabinet officers, andtelevision celebrities. And it is also an odyssey for Reich's wifeand two young sons, who learn to tolerate their own cabinet memberbut not to abide Washington.
Here is Reich--determined to work for a more just society,laboring in a capital obsessed with exorcising the deficit andkeeping Wall Street happy--learning that Washington is not onlyaltogether different from the world of ordinary citizens butultimately, and more importantly, exactly like it: a world in whichMurphy's Law reigns alongside the powerful and the privileged, butwhere hope amazingly persists. There are triumphs here to fill alifetime, and frustrations to fill two more. Never has this worldbeen revealed with such richness of evidence, humor, andwarmhearted candor.


Robert B. Reich is University Professor of social and economic policy at Brandeis University's Heller School. He served as Secretary of Labor in the first Clinton administration. This is his seventh book. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with his wife and their two sons.


