- 外文名:limbless
- 詞性:形容詞
- 發音:['limlis]
- 釋義:無肢的;無枝叉的;無翼的
limbless amphibians 無足目
Limbless Association 給英國的截肢者協會
Limbless swimmer excels 無肢人游泳比賽超常人
Still others suggest the short or sometimes nonexistent legs of the 800 species of skinks are clues to where limbless snakes originated.也有科學家認為,800種小蜥蜴的短小的有些甚至了退化的四肢提供了蛇起源的線索。
As it turned out, the drug (better known by its generic name, thalidomide) would cause thousands of children in Europe to be born limbless or wi flipperlike arms and legs.事實證明,這種藥物(最好了解它的通用名:薩力多胺)會引起上千出生在歐洲的新生兒生來無肢或肢體發育畸形。
The armless and legless woman floating on the surface of the pool, whether the reflection of the nondisabled woman or her twin rendered limbless by immersion in water, faces the beholder.那個無腿無臂的女人在水池面上飄浮著,健康女人的倒影和她的同伴都浸沒在水中,渲染成沒有手腳的樣子,並且面向觀眾。