KOffice是一款集成化辦公套件,現已改名為Calligra suite,運行在linux系統之下,主要是在KDE之上的辦公軟體,包含了文字處理器、電子 表格、幻燈片製作、項目管理等多種工具。
Calligra Office
Calligra includes efficient and capable office components: Words for text processing.
Sheets for computations.
Stage for presentations.
Plan for planning.
Flow for flowcharts.
Kexi for database creation.
- 外文名:KOffice
- 類別:集成化辦公套件
- 運行環境:linux系統
- 包括:文字處理器、電子表格等
文本編輯器 KOffice 是一組辦公室套裝軟體(office suite)適於用K桌面環境(KDE)環境之上。所有的套件都是採用開放原始碼架構。KOffice (已改名為Calligra Suite)是KDE上一套自由發行的集成化辦公套件,包含了文字處理器、電子 表格、幻燈片製作、項目管理等多種工具。





Krita──基於像素的圖像處理程式,類似於The GIMP或Adobe© Photoshop®。


Calligra 2.8 Beta Released
The Calligra team is proud and pleased to announce the first beta release of version 2.8 of the Calligra Suite for testing! The team will now focus on fixing remaining bugs. Let’s make sure the final release of 2.8, expected by the end of January is as stable as possible by giving the current beta a good testing!
News in This Release
Calligra 2.8 will contain many new features. Here is an overview of the most important ones:
Words, the word processing application, now has support for comments in the text.
Author, the writer’s application, has the same enhancements as Words.
Sheets, the spreadsheet application, has improved support for pivot tables.
In Kexi, the visual database creator, there is a new feature to open hyperlinks in forms. But the big news is that Kexi is now possible to build on Windows which was not the case before in 2.x series.
There are some improvements in the general shapes available from most Calligra applications: You can now paste any shape from any application into any application. There are also improvements in copy and paste of images and rich text.
Krita, the full-featured free digital painting studio for artists will have a very exciting release! There are many new features, among them a new high-quality scaling mode for the OpenGL canvas, G’Mic integration, a wraparound painting mode for easy creation of textures and tiles, support for touch screens. There are two new application in this release, as well: Krita Sketch, aimed at tablets and Krita Gemini, which can switch between desktop and tablet mode at the press of a button. The full set of improvements is huge! Take a look at the preview. Krita 2.8 will also be available for Windows.
Calligra 2.7.5 Released
The Calligra team has released version 2.7.5, the fourth of the bugfix releases of the Calligra Suite, and Calligra Active in the 2.7 series. This release contains a few important bug fixes to 2.7.4 and we recommend everybody to update.
Bugfixes in This Release
Here is an overview of the most important fixes. There are several others that are not mentioned here.
- Fix bug 326158: the text color in the modebox tab icons were not drawn accoring to style.
- Make spellchinking work with more dictionaries.
- Fix bug 290999: make sure we erase an old selection in another textshape whenever we make a new selection.
- Fix crash 326243 and 325547.
- Fix a crash while saving embedded documents like charts.
- Fix bug 327995: Make changes to query design reflected in reports after saving
- Fix bug 327993: Make records in reports sorted according to the sorting of the query
- If –driver is missing but connection options specified, display a note and exit
- Fix bug 319432: Fixed crash when using command line “kexi –dbdriver postgresql”
- Fix regression in password dialog.
- Fix untranslatable strings.
- Fix crash on malformed pdf.
- Fix fullscreen in canvas-only mode in Krita.
- Fix bug 321100: do not write the implicitely written “mimetype” entry a 2nd time on saving kra files (and thus avoid assumed bug in KZip)
- Set First Day of Week to Monday if using ISO Week for week numbering
- Fix crash in Plan on loading work packages into gantt view.
- Update mimetypes for the CSV export to make it work.
- Fix bug 298155: Fix a crash when using array values and make array values render correctly when used
- Fix bug 178172 and 181576: fix text to columns.
- Don’t fail loading a file when the comments fail to load.
Calligra 2.7.4 Released
The Calligra team has released version 2.7.4, the third of the bugfix releases of the Calligra Suite, and Calligra Active in the 2.7 series. This release contains a few important bug fixes to 2.7.3 and we recommend everybody to update.
Bugfixes in This Release
Here is an overview of the most important fixes. There are several others that are not mentioned here.
- Fix bug 293708: Cannot paint on duplicated layer
- Fix bug 288714: Fix layer lock after exposure change
- Fix bug 325193: Fix crash if there are multiple local selection masks
- Fix bug 325070: Saving new table design for the first time does not clear history of edits
Calligra 2.7.3 Released
Quite long ago the Calligra team has released a bugfix version 2.7.3 of the Calligra Suite, and Calligra Active. This is the formal announcement, we’re sorry for the delay. The release contains a important bug fixes to 2.7.2 and we recommend everybody to update.
Bugfixes in This Release
Here is an overview of the most important fixes. There are several others that are not mentioned here.
- Many fixes for Mac OS X version. Kexi on Mac has been temporarily disabled.
- Fix incremental backup (F4 key), files were overwritten. (#314214)
- Fix sorting error in table views. The sorting was broken when NULL values are compared with text for text columns. (#324224)
- Fix escaping of text values when working with PostgreSQL. Properly escape the ‘ character. (#318129)
Improved ease of use when inserting new fields in Table Designer. (#323827) - Fix bug introduced in Kexi 2.7: Table Designer does not display properties. (#323804)
KOffice 2.3.1 發布
KOffice 2.3.1沒有增加任何新功能,只是修復了2.3系列的一些組件錯誤,包括:Krita組件實現大圖像處理,支持大於50M的圖像;修復Kexi造成的記憶體泄漏;修復組建數目錯誤;更新翻譯,新增波斯語支持。
KOffice 2.2.2 發布
KOffice 2.2.2 包含以下軟體組件:
- KWord – 文字處理
- KSpread -電子表單、表格
- KPresenter – 幻燈片製作
- Karbon – 矢量圖繪製
- Krita – 圖像處理程式,類似於GIMP、Photoshop
- KPlato – 項目管理器
KOffice 2.2.2 主要特點如下:
- 修復打開一個空檔案所產生的崩潰問題
- 修復空白問題
- 修復bug所造成的未保存報告問題
- Speed up in the text tool.
- 修復撤銷列表所產生的崩潰問題
KOffice 2.2 發布
該版本不僅在功能上比 2.1 版本更加豐富,而且也更穩定,界面上也做了不少改進。