justice at war

justice at war

《justice at war》是2008年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是David Cole。


  • 中文名:justice at war
  • 作者:David Cole
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • 出版時間:2008年6月
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9781590172971


How did America become a nation that tortured prisoners, spiedon its citizens, and gave its president unchecked powers in mattersof defense? Has justice been the greatest casualty of the war onterror?After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Bushadministration swiftly began to rethink its approach to nationalsecurity. In a series of memos and policy decisions, many topsecret and only made public much later, the administration’slawyers dismissed the Geneva conventions as “quaint,” justified thetorture of suspected terrorists, argued that the president in hiscapacity as commander in chief was bound by no laws in defendingthe nation at home and abroad, and approved a domestic surveillanceprogram that flagrantly violated US law.In Justice at War, DavidCole takes a critical look at the men who made the decisions thatshaped America’s war on terror. After September 11, AttorneyGeneral John Ashcroft aggressively expanded federal law enforcementpowers. John Yoo, who served in the Justice Department’s Office ofLegal Counsel, drafted some of the most controversial memosjustifying torture. David Addington, Dick Cheney’s counsel, arguedfor virtually unlimited presidential power. Alberto Gonzales,Bush’s counsel, seemed willing to defend the president’s view onany issue.Yet Cole believes that America can prevail against the threat ofterror, not by dismantling the checks and balances that guaranteethe fairness of our justice system but by restoring them. Hediscusses how Michael Mukasey, the new attorney general, may try toimprove the Justice Department’s tattered reputation. He explainswhy the Supreme Court rejected the president’s claim of authorityto try enemy combatants in military tribunals under rules thatviolated the Geneva conventions. And he considers arguments bylegal scholars about the limits of constitutional protections whenthe nation is under the threat of terrorism.Yet above all we mustremember that the Constitution embodies principles that we shouldnot give up in times of fear, Cole argues: “Both the strength andsecurity of the nation in the struggle with terrorists rest onadherence to the rule of law, including international law, becauseonly such adherence provides the legitimacy we need if we are towin back the world’s respect.”


David Cole is a professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center. His latest book, written with Jules Lobel, is Less Safe, Less Free: Why America Is Losing the War on Terror.


