(java development tooling)是Eclipse提供的一組API。其功能引用其官方文檔上的說法:
Programmatically manipulate Java resources, such as creating projects, generating Java source code, performing builds, or detecting problems in code. Programmatically launch a Java program from the platform. Provide a new type of VM launcher to support a new family of Java runtimes. Add new functions and extensions to the Java IDE itself. 總之,提供了一系列強大的API供我們操作Java代碼。
JDT實際上是將Java代碼構建成一個基於DOM結構的抽象語法樹AST(Abstract Syntax Tree )。代碼中的每個部分都對應一個ASTNode,許多的ASTNode就構成了這個抽象的語法樹。Java Class一般對應Compilation Unit node,該節點也是AST樹上的頂點。創建一個AST如下: