



  • 外文名:irresolute
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ɪˈrezəluːt]
  • 美式發音:[ɪˈrezəluːt]


irresolute /ɪˈrɛzəˌluːt/
1.ADJ Someone who is irresolute cannot decide what to do. 優柔寡斷的; 猶豫不決的 [正式]


Be Irresolute 猶豫
irresolute a 猶豫不決的
Irresolute Youth 旁徨少年時
adamant irresolute 堅定的◇不堅定的
irresolute and 優柔寡斷
irresolute function 不定函式
Suspicious And Irresolute 疑慮不決


  • 1The worst reason to launch an attack would be a fear of seeming irresolute.發起攻擊最壞的理由就是因為害怕看起來猶豫不決。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2McGillicuddy's hand went up to the communication cord, then paused, irresolute.麥吉利庫迪的手伸向通訊繩,然後遲疑地停了下來。
  • 3He is never irresolute or inactive.他不猶豫,不休息。
  • 4Her gaze traveled round, irresolute.她猶豫不決,向四周凝視。
  • 5Irresolute persons make poor victors.優柔寡斷的人很難成為勝利者。
  • 6I turned half round to follow, but stood irresolute.我半轉身想要跟著他,卻又猶豫了。
  • 7His opponents were too irresolute to call his bluff.他的對手太優柔寡斷,不敢接受挑戰。
  • 8I am a very irresolute, vacillating man in most things.我在大部分事情上,是個遲疑不決的、動搖不定的人。
  • 9These verbs mean to be uncertain, irresolute, or indecisive.這些動詞意為不肯定、優柔寡斷或猶豫不決。
  • 10Because of his irresolute character, we were defeated at last.因為他性格的軟弱,我們最終被打敗了。
  • 11No ideal and irresolute and hesitant is a pathetic psychology.毫無理想而又優柔寡斷是一種可悲的 心理。
  • 12He wandered on again, irresolute and undecided, and oppressed with the fear of another solitary night.他又一次起來遊蕩,猶豫不決,不知何去何從,擔心又得挨過一個孤寂的夜晚。
  • 13He now furtively raised his eyes: he glanced at me, irresolute, disturbed: he again surveyed the picture.這時他偷偷地抬起眼來。他猶猶豫豫忐忑不安地看了我一眼,再次細看起這幅畫來。
  • 14Because of the complexity of his thought, his emotion toward art in this period is irresolute and shifting.由於他思想上的複雜性,他對這一時代的藝術有著搖擺不定的感情。
  • 15He should not exaggerate his feelings, obstacles make him dejected, easily discouraged and feels irresolute.他不會誇大他的感受,挫折會令他沮喪,容易灰心及優遊寡斷。
  • 16Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office.她不像往常那樣徑直走進麥克斯韋爾辦公室隔壁那房間(她辦公桌在那兒),而是在辦公室外間略帶遲疑地徘徊。
  • 17Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office.她沒有直接到放有她辦公桌的裡間辦公室去,而是滯留在外間辦公室,有點兒拿不定主意似的。
  • 18Your irresolute attitude, coupled with your irrepressible sense of nonchalance simply is inappropriate to the seriousness of the situation.你猶豫不決的態度以及抑制不住的冷淡與事態的嚴重性完全不相稱。
  • 19She stood in the hall, irresolute, frightened, and the glaring light of the fire in the sitting room threw tall dim shadows on the walls about her.她站在穿堂里,又猶豫又害怕,起居室里的熊熊火光將一睦高大的陰影投射在她周圍牆壁上。
  • 20The concepts of strong PS-irresolute open mapping and strong PS-irresolute closed mapping are introduced in L-spaces and their properties are researched.給出了強ps -不定開映射和強ps -不定閉映射的概念,並且討論了它們的一些性質。
  • 21My heart flowing long melancholy and lonely, longing in my heart roundabout irresolute, the depths of my eyes is your endless smile, behind me is the never-ending Red Dust.我的心底流淌著久久的惆悵與落寞,思念在心底迂徊,我的眼眸深處是你無盡的笑顏,我的身後是永不停息的滾滾紅塵。
  • 22At this juncture, it seems that looked for the dream of tomorrow and the difficult career decisions of Fei irresolute and meditation, are in a wordless understanding in gradually become weak.在這個時刻,似乎對於夢想中明天的張望和對擇業難決的緋徊與靜思,都在一種無言的默契中漸漸淡漠了。


