- 外文名:insistence
- 英式讀音:[ɪnˈsɪstəns]
- 美式讀音:[ɪnˈsɪstəns]
- 詞性:名詞
insistency,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“堅持;顯著或緊急之事;強迫;強調”。英英釋義 insistency [ in'sistənsi ]the state of demanding notice or attention 同義詞: imperativeness insistence press pressure the act of insisting on something 同義詞: insistence 同近義詞 stress , ...
insensibly,英語單詞,主要用作為副詞,用作副詞譯為“不知不覺地;徐徐地;極細微地”。網路釋義 insentient 無知覺的;無生命的;無感情的 insensibly 不知不覺地;徐徐地;極細微地 insensitivity 感覺遲鈍;不靈敏性;昏迷 短語搭配 form insensibly 不知不覺地形成 Insistence insensibly 傻呼呼的堅持 In...
Insistence 執著。金布利擁有極強的自尊心,從不言棄,不達目標絕不罷休,因此人造人才會放心地把重要的工作交給他來完成。在這個與自己格格不入的世界上,唯有執著才能維護自己原本的心。Might 威力。超乎人類的信念需要超越人類的力量的支持,金布利追尋強大的力量,甚至為了賢者之石而不惜蹲監。雙手的煉成陣包含...
英語社成立於2012年,由我校四名尖子生所創建。英語社在學校師生中有著良好的口碑。我們也在不斷努力。正所謂其名稱“BEYOND”(超越)一樣,不斷超越自我。一、社團宗旨 作為西方文化的一個轉移地,我們崇尚“自由(Freedom)平等(Equality)激情(Passion)團結(Unity)熱愛(Love)夢想(Dream)堅持(Insistence)...
C.堅持 (insistence)和拒絕(refusal)第八章 情感性情態 (EmotionalModality)A.驚訝(surprise)、驚異(astonish-ment)、驚奇 (amazement)B.不贊同(disapproval)、不滿 (dissat-isfaction)、惱怒(irritation)C.抱怨(complaint) 責備 (blame)批評 (criticism)D.懷疑(doubt)、不相信 (disbelief)...
It’s the insistence that these rights, while self-evident, have never been self-executing; that We, the People, through the instrument of our democracy, can form a more perfect union.This is the great gift our Founders gave us. The freedom to chase our individual dreams through our sweat...
2.5 Insistence upon the best that has been thought and known for all humanity Chapter 3 Harmonious Perfection in the Conception of State 3.1 Disputes over Arnold's idea of the State 3.2 Desire to save the nation from the danger of anarchy 3.3 Sympathy for democracy and concern with ...
失われ insistence /遺失了的 堅持 馴れ合いのeveryday flattererに苛ついてんだよ/ 合謀的每一天 奉承者是有苛附的喲 Spark 消えそうだ /火花 就快消失了 拍車はかからずとも 思いに移ろいはない/ 即使不懸掛馬刺 所想的都沒有變化 末期のドスペストプレと インザハウス 第一線のステージで ...
3. Concession and Insistence 讓步與堅持 4. Summary and Conclusion 歸納與總結 5. Complaint and Compliment 抱怨與恭維 6. Comparisons and Examples 比較與舉例 7. Cause and Effect 因與結果 8. Possibility and Confirmation 可能性與確定性 第三篇 生活篇 1. About Daily Life 日常生活 2. About ...
His insistence on putting users first, and focusing on elegance and simplicity, has become deeply ingrained in his own company, and is spreading to rival firms too. 他堅持用戶至上,注重優雅和簡潔,這種理念在他自己的公司里已經根深蒂固,且已經傳播到競爭對手那去了。The fact is that no matter ...
雖然中間商可能利用此品牌名稱做為辨認或存貨控制之用。(3)品牌認知(brand recognition)指的是顧客對於此品牌有所記憶。(4)品牌偏好(brand preference)指的是消費者會放棄某一品牌而選擇另外一個品牌(此原因可能是習慣或過去經驗)。(5)品牌堅持(brand insistence)指的是消費者寧願多花些時間,也堅持要某種品牌。
[D]the insistence of private landowners 27.The“threatened”tag disappointed some environmentalists in that it___.[A]was a give-in to governmental pressure [B]would involve fewer agencies in action [C]granted less federal regulatory power [D]went against conservation policies 28.It can be lea...
14決斷和堅持(Determination,decisionand insistence)15判斷和意見(Judgmentandopinion)16職責(Obligation)17能力(Ability)18偏愛(Preference)19責備和抱怨(Blameandcomplaint)20肯定和不肯定(Certaintyanduncertainty)21禁止和警告(Prohibitionandwarnings)22可能和不可能(Possibilityandimpossibility)23預見...
"Usually at my insistence," says Josh, who has always been protective of his little brother. “通常都是在我的堅持下。”一直保護著弟弟的喬希說。She is proud that several sculptures have even gone on display again, albeit sometimes beneath protective cases. 讓她感到自豪的是,一些雕塑甚至得以重新...
02.Insistence 03.おはよう 04.ラブリ- 05.著心地の惡い戀なんて 06.約束 -eternal promise- 07.洗濯機の中から 08.愛のカタチ 09.スコ-ルクロ-ル 10.Happy happy * rice shower -type yui- 11.I wish 12.Happy love to you 創作人員 作詞:有森聡美 作曲:櫻井真一 編曲:太田美知彥 歌...
Expressing Insistence and Opposition PART II Text A Conquering Sicily PART IIIText B Entertaining Kids on Thanksgiving Day PART IVWriting Work Proposing Intention--Business Letter UNIT 8 PART I Communication Skills Expressing Determination PART II Text A Job Training PART IIIText B Schooling and ...
Through it all, we have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all society’s ills can be cured through government alone. Our celebration of initiative and enterprise; our insistence on hard work and personal responsibility, these are ...
3.4. Deliberation by States: Efforts for Clarification vs. Insistence on Ambiguity 3.4.1. Clarifying the "inalienable Right".3.4.2. On the "Right to Participate".3.5. Conclusion 4 The Afterlife of"Inalienable Right': Emergence of a New Regulatory Scheme in the Peaceful Use of Nuclear ...
His insistence on putting users first, and focusing on elegance and simplicity, has become deeply ingrained in his own company, and is spreading to rival firms too. 他堅持用戶至上,注重優雅和簡潔,這種理念在他自己的公司里已經根深蒂固,且已經傳播到競爭對手那去了。Research during the past several...
fanatically,英語單詞,主要用作副詞,作副詞時譯為“盲信地;狂熱地”。短語搭配 lead fanatically 狂熱地領導 雙語例句 All of us had been trained by Kelly Johnson and believed fanatically in his insistence that an airplane that looked beautiful would fly the same way.很多受過Kelly Johnson訓練...
發表過《論高校禮儀教師的外在形象美》《論高校禮儀教師的整體形象美》《一帶一路與中國在中亞的能源合作:區域公共產品的視角》The Logic of Contingency in China’s Insistence on the Non-interference Principle、《大眾文化視角下的紅色文化軟實力--以日常生活與紅色文化關係為討論中心》等論文,參編過《現代社交...
14With planning, repetition and insistence, you can do it.有了計畫、重複和堅持,你就能做到。15Habits and field paths are formed in the same way: by repetition.習慣和田間小徑的形成方式相同:通過重複。16The last repetition was successful.最後一次成功了。17Repetition of bad ideas increases their ...
future" business philosophy, adhering to the "careful to do everything" style of work and "attention to detail, striving for perfection," the quality for the "creation of life, beyond life," the ambitious ideal and unremitting struggle, struggle. If a four-year implementation and insistence, ...
《The Grammar of Identity》是2009年Oxford University Press, USA出版的圖書,作者是Stephen Clingman。內容簡介 In our current world, questions of the transnational, location, land, and identity confront us with a particular insistence. The Grammar of Identity is a lively and wide-ranging study of ...
This is a far cry from Mr Mugabe's ferocious insistence on 51% of all mid-sized companies and all land going willy-nilly to blacks. 這和穆加貝先生兇殘地主張不管願意與否,將所有中型企業51%的股權和所有的土地都交給黑人的做法相距甚遠。And even though I question our squeamishness about the C ...
《Games are Not: The Difficult and Definitive Guide to What Video Games are》是Manchester University Press出版的圖書,作者是David Myers 內容簡介 How do we reconcile a videogame industry's insistence that games positively affect human beliefs and behaviors with the...
Fight insistence with resistance You can know that it won't last Look out look around Cryin' out but no one seems to hear a sound Look in to your heart Help is on the way before you even start to Speak the sky and wait for the answer Someone will be there to take your call Though...