- 外文名:incidentally
- 詞性:副詞
- 英式讀音:[ˌɪnsɪˈdentli]
- 美式讀音:[ˌɪnsɪˈdentli]
《Loneliness, Incidentally》是The Stress of Leisure演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Hour to Hour》。專輯介紹 《Hour to Hour》是The Stress of Leisure於2008年1月1日發行的音樂專輯,共收錄11首歌曲,由歌手The Stress of Leisure擔任專輯...
附帶,讀音fù dài,漢語詞語,指另外有所補充的;順便;非主要的。反義詞:專門。解釋 1、[inpassing;incidentally;bytheway]趁便 附帶說一下 2、[subsidiary;supplementary]非主要的 附帶勞動。3.另有所補充;順便。4.非主要的。出...
偶然式非正式信息溝通(incidentally-mode of informal communication )是2016年公布的管理科學技術名詞。定義 信息的傳播依靠隨機的互相轉告,事先不選擇接收信息對象的非正式信息溝通形式。出處 《管理科學技術名詞》第一版。
《The White Masai》是Amistad Press出版的圖書,作者是Corinne Hofmann 內容簡介 The White masai is at once a hopelessly romantic love story, a gripping adventure yarn and, incidentally, a fine piece of meticulously observed ...
Oh and incidentally there's one more thing to tell If your eyes are open and you think you're seeing a dream It's Lily Belle (Who's got eyes that sparkle at you ) Lily Belle (Who's got lips that's an ...
charming record of how the now forty-year-old protagonist and his estranged parents and siblings set off to confront their disagreements and fears. Unexpected warmth and deep rejection become equally challenging. Incidentally,...
An eccentric sideshow barker accidentally lets his sex-starved gorilla escape into the streets. The ape begins to go on a rampage of murder, incidentally killing some of the barker's enemies. Meanwhile, an innocent ...
to the world of concentration camps. Absolute evil which makes relative all previous values fascinates him to such an extent that he writes a book about the extermination camps. Michal works in Siemens which, incidentally...
bereavement all of her colorful friends Turned to a milky grey depressing blend Which incidentally made Grey feel inane So he set off to find a less trite identity One as stunning and bold as Scarlet used to be ...
action as determined by the principle of utility. His substantive ethical positions about the kinds of lives we should lead and the kinds of dispositions we should strive to develop have been of interest only incidentally ...
t stopped running since."--BOOK JACKET. "This was the book that started the phenomenally successful series. Here is the sapient pearwood luggage, a mobile trunk which launders any clothes put in it and incidentally ...
100 steps reach with might and main. Never don't rest. Who on earth is getting used to the best most in the world If it incidentally reaches too much ... It falls headlong! HOW to PLAY a manual operation bu...
The Mexican flame-knee tarantula was studied via its molted exoskeleton, which incidentally came from Rind's pet tarantula, Fluffy.對墨西哥火膝頭狼蛛的研究來自 Rind 的寵物 Fluffy 偶然褪掉的外骨骼。
His early occupations included apprenticeship to a printer, writing for his brother's newspaper and, just as importantly in retrospect, piloting ships on the Mississippi (where, incidentally, he was actively discouraged from ...