



  • 外文名:impactful
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英標:[ɪmˈpæktfl]
  • 譯義:有效的;有力的
  • 美標:[ɪmˈpæktfl]


effective impactful 有效的
Most Impactful Charity 最具影響力慈善項目
Impactful verbal andnon-verbal communication skills 能夠感染他人


  • 1Keep it simple, focused and impactful.保持內容簡單、專注和有影響力。
  • 2But you can start small and still find impactful results.但是小規模的進行測試仍能夠發現有深遠影響的結果。
  • 3You will stand out with a clear and impactful personal brand.而你也能憑藉清晰有效的個人品牌脫穎而出。
  • 4I aspire to make an impactful difference in the dance industry.我迫切希望能在舞蹈圈中造成一股不同的衝擊。
  • 5This has proven to be very impactful and positive for the work flow.事實證明這對於整個工作流程來說是積極而有效的。
  • 6The most common and most impactful techniques employed by cosmetic dentists are牙齒美容醫師採取的最普通和最有效的技術
  • 7The key to construct the whole system is to collect the impactful control measures.構建整個系統的關鍵就在於蒐集有效的控制措施。
  • 8His 50-year-old life may have been short, but it was impactful. His accomplishments are tremendous.他的50歲人生也許短了點,但它是具有影響力的,他的才藝是極其絕妙的。
  • 9Similarly to enterprise SOA, impactful Web 2.0 implementations are aimed at the enterprise as a whole.對於企業級SOA,簡單而言,有影響力的Web 2.0實現是將企業整體作為目標。
  • 10Providing the most dynamic, efficient and impactful means of delivering sales and marketing materials.提供最具動態、高效、有力的方式將銷售和行銷信息傳遞出去。
  • 11Doctor, I want you to pick out of these 3 statements the most impactful and relevant to your practice.醫生,請選出您認為最具影響力的,於您的臨床治療最相關的前3種描述。
  • 12The board was convinced that the new advertising campaign would be impactful and generate a lot of sales.董事會相信新的廣告宣傳活動會產生很大的影響,並使銷售額大幅提高。
  • 13What training classes can you attend that will be most impactful to improving your hotel's guest services/OSAT?你能夠參加怎樣的培訓課程,從而能夠給你最大的影響力,改善你所在酒店的賓客服務/OSAT?
  • 14It's about learning to think for yourself and sharing what you know in the best and most impactful way possible.你要學會獨立思考,用最有效的、最有影響力的方式分享你所知道的。
  • 15It's nice to notice the difference make-up can have, too - when you wear a full face every day, it isn't as impactful.注意到彩妝可能擁有的不同之處也很好,當你每天都化妝時,它就沒那么有效了。
  • 16You want to be working on meaningful, impactful projects, and that's the thing there is really a shortage of in the world.人們希望投身於有意義、影響深遠的工作,但事實上,這樣的工作非常有限。
  • 17Once you've created the core content each additional piece is easier and more efficient, and actually makes it more impactful.你只要創造了核心內容,其他的附加信息就會非常容易,而且還能變得更有影響力。
  • 18Recognizing how you're predisposed to decision-making is how you improve, and entrepreneurs make impactful decisions every day.了解自己在進行決策時具有怎樣的傾向,實際上是一種自我提升的方式,而創業者每天都要做出有影響力的決策。
  • 19Your future relationships are affected by a wide range of things, your connection to your ex is one of the most impactful, says Lucy.露西說,你未來的戀情關係受到多種因素的影響,你與前任的聯繫是最有影響力的事情之一。
  • 20The firm notes, "We're skeptical that a business realignment to high-end markets/products can be impactful over the immediate 6-12 months."索雷爾證券集團指出,“該公司在高端市場和產品的業務調整能否在9到12個月內產生效果,我們對此表示懷疑。
  • 21If you use them consistently, you, too, can "be" talented, strong, self-confident, honest, authentic, courageous, impactful, successful and happy.如果你堅持使用這些工具,那么你也可以變得有才能,堅強,自信,誠實,真實,勇敢,成功和快樂。
  • 22Part of what's made Game of Thrones so impactful in the landscape of modern TV has been the way it's blazed brand new territory for fantasy epics.《權力的遊戲》在當代電視圈有如此影響力的部分原因是,它為奇幻史詩劇點亮了全新的領域。
  • 23If you use them consistently, you, too, can "be" talented, strong, self-confident, honest, authentic, courageous, impactful, successful, and happy.如果你持續使用這些創造工具,那么你也可以變得有才華,自信,誠實,有創造力,有勇氣,無可取代。
  • 24These provide both parties opportunity to determine the most impactful ways to partner and help each other determine the most effective ways to interact.這為雙方確定最有效的的合作方式、幫助彼此確定最有效的互動方式提供了機會。
  • 25As a result, pr professionals are incorporating Web 2.0 resources into their brand's pr strategy and planning for more targeted and impactful Web communication.其結果是公關行業的專業人士正在把web 2.0的資源運用到他們的品牌公關策略和計畫之中,從而達到更加有針對性和有效地進行網路溝通的目的。
  • 26Did your supervisor use phrases like "you definitely worked a lot" or "you get a lot done," but then struggled to pinpoint specific, impactful achievements of yours?你的領導是否對你採用過類似“你確實做了很多工作”,或“你完成了很多工作”的措辭,然後卻很難再說出你具體做過哪些有效的業績?


