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  • 外文名:hostess
  • 詞性:名詞




air hostess女乘務員
restaurant hostess飯店女招待 ; 西餐廳前台 ; 餐廳領位 ; 餐廳迎賓
Outlet Hostess餐廳領位員 ; 各餐廳迎賓


  • 1The hostess introduced them.女主人介紹了他們。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2An air hostess was arrested and charged with drug smuggling.一位空姐被抓了起來,並被指控走私毒品。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The Hostess came bustling towards him.女主人正急急忙忙地向他走來。
  • 4"What is this, Ruby?" asked my hostess.“魯比,這是什麼?”我的女主人問。
  • 5She is an acclaimed hostess of Book Talk.她是《書論》備受讚譽的主持人。
  • 6"Let's have some dancing, " said my hostess.“讓我們跳跳舞吧。”我的女主人說。
  • 7"Well," my wife said, when the hostess had gone, "you did it again."女主人走後,我妻子說:“好吧,你又這樣做了。”
  • 8Seeing my helplessness, a kind hostess offered to lend me some money.看到我的無助,一位好心的女主人提出借給我一些錢。
  • 9Before dinner, the hostess usually serves guests first and herself last.晚飯前,女主人通常先招待客人,自己最後才用餐。
  • 10"Clara was amazing," an air hostess told Alaska Airlines in an interview.“克拉拉棒極了。”一位空姐在採訪中說對阿拉斯加航空公司說。
  • 11He asked mechanically, as he saw the Hostess push aside a large sheet of paper.他看見女主人把一大張紙推開,便機械地問道。
  • 12I saw your advertisement in this morning's newspaper for the air hostess. I'd like a job.我看到在早報上貴公司招聘空姐的廣告。我想申請這一職務。
  • 13"I mean," Wendy said nicely, remembering that she was hostess, "is that what they put on the letters?"“我的意思是,”溫迪想起她是女主人,親切地說,“信上就是這么寫的嗎?”
  • 14"They are not mine." said the amiable hostess, more repellingly than Heathcliff himself could have replied.“它們不是我的。” 和善的女主人說道,比希斯克利夫的回答還讓人不愉快。
  • 15Mrs. Green stopped and looked at the air hostess. Then she said to her husband, "How did you know her name?"格林夫人停下來,看了看那位空姐。然後她問她丈夫:“你怎么知道她的名字?”
  • 16As a well known Chinese TV hostess, Dong Qing is now hosting two cultural shows, Chinese Poetry Conference and Readers.作為中國著名的電視節目主持人,董卿目前主持著《詩會》和《讀者》兩檔文化節目。
  • 17She has just come back from a Tupperware party where the hostess put too much kirsch in the punch, so she's a little drunk.她剛從特百惠派對回來,女主人在潘趣酒里放了太多櫻桃酒,所以她有點醉了。
  • 18Consider both an avid cocktail party hostess with hundreds of acquaintances and a grumpy misanthrope, who may have one or two friends?想想一個有數百個熟人的熱心雞尾酒會女主人和一個性情乖戾的厭世者,誰可能會有一兩個朋友?
  • 19In 2015 when she was about to study in the U.S., Dong received an invitation from the director of Chinese Poetry Conference asking her to be the hostess.2015年,在即將到美國學習的時候,董收到了中國詩歌大會主任的邀請,邀請她擔任主持人。
  • 20I followed the hostess to the table, and when she pulled the chair out I sat on it, quite naturally, since it happened to be the chair I wanted to sit in.我跟著女主人走到桌旁,等她把椅子拉出來,我便坐在上面,十分自然,因為這正是我想坐的椅子。
  • 21During the forum, Dong Qing, a famous hostess, shared her experience of creating The Reader, one of whose purposes is to create more original entertainment.在這個論壇中,著名主持人董卿,分享了她製作《朗讀者》節目的經歷,製作該節目的初衷之一就是創立更多原創性的娛樂節目。
  • 22Mary was always the perfect hostess.瑪麗總是最殷勤的女主人。《牛津詞典》
  • 23I'll make a bargain with you. I'll play hostess if you'll include Matthew in your guest list.我想和你達成個協定:如果你把馬修列入客人名單,我就充當女主人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 24The air hostess said, "The girl needs help."空姐說:“這個女孩需要幫助。”
  • 25Dong Qing works as both a hostess and a producer.董卿既是主持人又是製片人。
  • 26An air hostess told him that she would bring him the water soon.一位空姐告訴他,她很快就會給他送水來。
  • 27If you want to be an air hostess, you must have finished college study.如果你想成為一名空姐,你必須完成大學學業。
  • 28The air hostess was so busy that she forgot to bring him the water.空姐太忙了,忘了給他送水。
  • 29Just then, an air hostess came up to her and asked, "Could you please change your seat?"正在這時,一位空姐走過來問:“您可以換一下座位嗎?”
  • 30The air hostess asked everyone to belt up.空姐要大家扣好安全帶。


