


  • 外文名:high-profile
  • 釋義:高姿態的;立場明確的;高調的


  • 1The really successful holders of such titles are those that do a great deal more than fill hotel bedrooms and bring in high-profile arts events and good press for a year.這些頭銜的獲得者中真正成功的是這樣一群人,他們所做的遠不止讓酒店爆滿、舉辦備受矚目的藝術活動以及帶來一整年高質量的新聞報導。
  • 2Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.托尼有一份令人注目的工作,現在已成為人們關注的焦點。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3She has since worked with another high-profile, luxury label.此後,她為另一家知名奢侈品品牌工作。
  • 4Every year a few colleges and universities in the US attract attention because they've managed to book high-profile speakers.美國每年都有一些學院和大學引人注目,因為他們成功地邀請到了著名的演講者。
  • 5Even the technology press conferences, which have been high-profile in the past and reached a level of drama and theatrics fitting for a Las Vegas stage, have a different bent to them.即便是過去備受矚目、與拉斯維加斯舞台一樣具有戲劇性和舞台效果的科技新聞發布會,喜好也發生了改變。
  • 6It's no surprise that high-profile athletes can influence children's eating behaviors, but the scientists were able to quantify how prevalent these endorsements are in the children's environment.高知名度的運動員可以影響兒童的飲食行為,這並不奇怪,但科學家能夠量化這些代言在兒童環境中的流行程度。
  • 7Electronics retailer Circuit City is the latest high-profile casualty.美國電子產品零售商“電路城”是最新一個引人關注的犧牲品。
  • 8The country has witnessed a spike in high-profile cases in recent months.近幾個月來,發生在該國的此類案件激增。
  • 9There have been some high-profile deals, though the bonds have short duration.這裡出現了一些比較高調的交易,儘管所涉及的債券期限很短。
  • 10Start a precision sculpting routine for targeted, high-profile areas first.首先開始對確定目標的鮮明區域的精確塑型例程。
  • 11The time has come for rigorous, high-profile policies that punish offenders.現在該是制定嚴格而高標準政策的時候了,以懲罰那些違反工作紀律的人。
  • 12A high-profile example from America highlights one potential risk of so much debt.一個來自美國的轟動一時的案例則強調了槓桿比率過大帶來的某種潛在風險。
  • 13Do they really require a separate, high-profile brand in the IBM software portfolio?在IBM軟體組合中,它們真的需要一個單獨的鮮明的品牌嗎?
  • 14Then, you should focus the sanity regression suite on high-profile customer use cases.那樣的話,你應該先集中於高級別客戶的用例的健壯性回歸。
  • 15The firm needed investigative services on behalf of a high-profile, deep-pocketed client.作為一位大名鼎鼎、財大氣粗客戶的代表,該事務所亟需調查服務。
  • 16Among those clients are nestle, UNICEF, and a number of high-profile academic conferences.它的客戶群中有雀巢公司、聯合國兒童基金會以及一些高知名度的學術會議。
  • 17Freeman, though, is only the most high-profile actor who is immortalising Mandela on screen.然而,弗里曼只是將要在銀幕上賦予曼德拉永恒生命的演員中最受人矚目的一個。
  • 18Since moving to the area six years ago, Moore has become a high-profile citizen and benefactor.自從六年前搬家到這裡,摩爾成為一個引人注目的公民和捐助人。
  • 19Police said they were investigating Jackson's death, which is standard procedure in high-profile cases.警方稱他們將會調查傑克遜的死因。 這是名人死亡事件的例行公事。
  • 20Almost none of the high-profile murders of Russian journalists have been solved, despite Kremlin promises.幾乎所有影響巨大的謀殺俄羅斯記者案都沒有被解決,儘管克林姆林宮曾經許諾。
  • 21Such high-profile guests not only signal Alibaba's achievements but highlight its ambitions for the future.眾多高規格的嘉賓不僅反映出阿里巴巴的成就,也展示了它對未來的展望。
  • 22That's because they're creative, dynamic and inspirational. These folks work best in high-profile positions.做事主動、富有創造力和靈感的獅子座善於擔任高層職務。
  • 23By rewarding recurrent contributors, Weibo encourages a high level of interactivity from high-profile regulars.通過不斷的獎勵互動的參與者,微博在活躍用戶中激起了相當高的參與度。
  • 24People only become true celebrities when they maintain a high profile both in their professional and private lives.人們只有在事業和私生活上都保持高調的時候才會成為真正的名人。

