

heir,英文單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時意為“[法] 繼承人;後嗣;嗣子”。


  • 外文名:heir
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式讀音:[eə(r)]
  • 美式讀音:[er]


Heir Apparent 繼承人 ; [法] 當然繼承人 ; 皇儲
Hilton Heir 人男女對噴鼻
Doug Heir 杜格·埃厄 ; 杜格·埃厄
Heir Audio 海澳德
lawful heir [法] 合法繼承人 ; 翻譯
sole heir 翻譯
legitimate heir [法] 合法繼承人 ; 翻譯 ; 合法繼承人英語
natural heir [法] 當然繼承人
apparent heir 表見繼承人 ; 當然繼承人


  • 1Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne.她的任務就是生育王位繼承人。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.他是長子,因此是這個封號的繼承人。《牛津詞典》
  • 3He claims to be the rightful heir.他要求做合法的繼承人。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4He was heir to a large farm in Domleschg.他是多姆萊斯克一個大農場的繼承人。
  • 5Only a fool will let the doctor be his own heir.只有笨蛋才會讓醫生做自己的遺產繼承人。
  • 6They were married that very day. The soldier was chosen to be the king's heir.就在這一天,他們舉行了婚禮。兵士被選為國王的繼承人。
  • 7The entire village was dead, and the small peasant, as sole heir, became a rich man.整個村莊的人都死了,小農夫作為唯一的繼承人,成了富人。
  • 8The problem with this wedding is that everyone with a brain remembers the last wedding of a royal heir, Charles Windsor and Diana Spencer back in 1981.這場婚禮的問題在於,每個有頭腦的人都記得1981年王室繼承人查爾斯·溫莎和黛安娜·斯賓塞的最後一場婚禮。
  • 9They see their failure to produce an heir as a curse from God.他們將自己未能生育一個後嗣看作是來自上帝的一個詛咒。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10It's only the second time a potential heir to the throne has married a commoner.這只是第二次王儲與平民結婚。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11Because of Ji Zha's sticking to righteousness and wide learning, he was his father's favorite and the king wanted to make him his heir.因為季札堅持正義、學識廣泛,父親最喜歡他,並且想讓他做自己的繼承人。
  • 12They laughed aloud in 1986 when the heir to British throne told a TV reporter that he talked to his plants at his country house, Highgrove, to stimulate their growth.1986年,當這位英國王位繼承人告訴一位電視記者,他在自己的鄉間別墅海格羅夫與他的植物交談以刺激它們生長時,他們放聲大笑。
  • 13They recognized Richard as his lawful heir.他們確認理察為他的合法繼承人。
  • 14Is Mr Roberts now the new heir apparent?羅伯茨先生是不是新的繼任者呢?
  • 15He claimed that he was the only rightful heir.他聲稱自己是唯一合法的繼承人。
  • 16The old man deceased without leaving an heir.這個老人死後無嗣。
  • 17Fred was the only heir of his father's heritage.弗雷德是他父親遺產的惟一繼承人。
  • 18I've money, I'm rich. The heir to four fortunes.我有錢、富有,四宗財富的繼承人。
  • 19But there is a problem with the mild-mannered heir.但是這位溫良恭謹的繼承人自身還有一些問題。
  • 20Mr Cameron once called himself the "heir to Blair".卡梅倫一度稱自己為布萊爾的繼承人。
  • 21He was the patriarch's first grandson and chosen heir.在一家之主的眼中,他是長孫和既定繼承人。
  • 22Charlie English is his heir in more ways than one.查理·英格力士在很多方面是他的後繼者。
  • 23Ms. Bhutto's designated heir is her 19-year old son.貝.布托19歲的兒子被指定為她的繼任者。
  • 24The rightful heir should obtain his rightful inheritance.合法的繼承人應獲得其合法的繼承權。
  • 25To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir.為了保持這個農場的完整,他將它移交給一個繼承人。
  • 26A great addition, in my eyes, was his being left without an heir.據我看,還加上一件很大的煩惱,就是他沒有一個繼承人。
  • 27Little did they know that it would be heir best timed picture.但他們毫不知道這將是他們拍的最是時候的照片。
  • 28Heir to an industrial past, the region has turned towards tourism.曾經工業的繼承者,而如今這裡已轉向旅遊業。
  • 29She's her brother's heir, is she not? 'he asked, after a brief silence.“她是她哥哥的繼承人,是吧?”沉默了一會,他問。
  • 30I was his chosen son "and initial heir apparent, Omar told The Sun."當時他的身份是父親“選定的兒子”和最初表面上的繼承人,奧馬爾向太陽報透露。


