



  • 外文名:hazardous
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈhæzədəs]
  • 美式發音:[ˈhæzərdəs]


英 [ˈhæzədəs] 美 [ˈhæzərdəs]
adj. 危險的,有害的;碰運氣的


Hazardous wastes 危險廢物
hazardous substance 危險物質 ; 有害物質 ; 有毒有害物質或元素 ; 危險物
Hazardous Article [交] 危險品 ; 危險物品 ; 有害物品
hazardous substances 有害物質 ; 危險物質 ; 危害物質 ; 有害性物質
hazardous material 有害物質 ; 危險品 ; 危險物 ; 危害物品
hazardous waste 危險廢棄物 ; 有害垃圾 ; 危險廢物 ; 危險性廢棄物
hazardous goods 危險品 ; 危險貨物 ; 危險物品 ; 翻譯
hazardous area 危險區 ; 危險區域 ; 危險場所 ; 爆炸危險場所
Hazardous Materials 有毒物質 ; 火燒性材料 ; 危險物質


  • 1They were incinerating hazardous waste without a licence.他們沒有許可就把危險廢棄物燒成灰燼。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste.這篇報導呼籲禁止危險廢棄物的進口。《牛津詞典》
  • 3They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.他們沒法處理那些由他們製造出來的危害性廢棄物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4German law forbids the dumping of hazardous waste on German soil.德國法律禁止在德國國土上倒棄危險廢棄物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5As I said, it's a particularly hazardous substance and is worked with in fume hoods.就像我說過的,這是尤其有害的物質,在通風櫃中才能用。
  • 6You know, forecasting has become a very hazardous business, so I don't want to commit myself too much.你知道的,預測已經成為一項非常危險的工作,所以我不想做太多承諾。
  • 7The group conducting the study concluded from a detailed analysis that impacts from meteorites can indeed be hazardous.進行這項研究的小組通過詳細分析得出結論:隕石的撞擊確實是危險的。
  • 8In addition, there is a household hazardous waste drop-off station for chemicals (paints, pesticides, other chemicals) that are banned from the landfill.此外,還有一個家庭危險廢物丟棄站,存放禁止掩埋的化學品(油漆、殺蟲劑和其他化學品)。
  • 9Apparently that day has come, because seemingly routine operations such as knee replacements are now much more hazardous due to the looming threat of these infections.顯然,那一天已經到來,由於這些感染的潛在威脅,膝關節置換等看似常規的手術現在要危險得多。
  • 10Apparently, that day has come because seemingly routine operations such as knee replacements are now much more hazardous due to the looming threat of these infections.顯然,這一天已經到來,因為由於這些感染的潛在威脅,膝關節置換等看似常規的手術現在要危險得多。
  • 11It would be hazardous to invest so much.投資這么多會有風險。《牛津詞典》
  • 12Residents should sort their garbage into four groups kitchen, recyclable, hazardous (有害) and other waste.居民應將垃圾分成四類——廚餘垃圾、可回收垃圾、有害垃圾和其他垃圾。
  • 13Forecasting's become a very hazardous business so I don't want to commit myself too much.局勢複雜多變,不容易預測,所以我不想過多地參與。
  • 14That was a hazardous journey.那是個危險的旅程。
  • 15Radon is radioactive and hazardous.氡有放射性,是有害物質。
  • 16Sitting is hazardous. It's dangerous.久坐是有害的,是危險的。
  • 17The second-most-hazardous energy source?而第二危險源是什麼呢?
  • 18Yet predictions are hazardous, particularly in IT.胡亂預言是有害的, 特別在IT界.
  • 19So we're flying in an incredibly hazardous environment.我們是在令人難以置信的危險環境下飛行。
  • 20My other job was less hazardous but more interesting.我另外的那個工作不像這個工作這么冒險,但更加有趣。
  • 21The moon is continuously being pelted by hazardous radiation.月球不斷地遭受有害輻射的襲擊,多數輻射來自太陽風。
  • 22The radiation such phones emit is hazardous to one's health.手機發出的輻射對健康不利。
  • 23The city's weather bureau gave air quality a rare hazardous ranking.城市氣象局給了今天的空氣品質一個罕見的危險排名。
  • 24That makes traditional lighting expensive and environmentally hazardous.這就使傳統的照明方式昂貴而且對環境有害。
  • 25The company plans to monitor emissions and hazardous waste disposal.這個公司計畫監督污水排放和廢水的回收處理。
  • 26Roofers also ranked poorly because of their hazardous working conditions.屋頂工排名較低的另一個原因是他們危險的工作環境。
  • 27The dense smoke also created hazardous air quality over a broad region.火災產生的濃煙在很大範圍內嚴重影響了空氣品質。


