- 外文名:haying
- 詞性:名詞、動詞
- 英式發音:['heɪɪŋ]
- 美式發音:[he]
David Peikon David Peikon是一位藝術家。主要作品 David Peikon的主要作品信息如下:1、Out of the Office Today, 2019 2、Kwanzan, 2021 3、Haying, 2021 (以上為部分作品列舉)
Haying the cumputer 玩電腦 Holding the weekend evening party 舉行周末晚會 In the club 在俱樂部 Going to the vegetable market 到菜市場去 Visiting the gallery 參觀美術館 Going to the restau—rant 下餐館 ……編輯推薦 《小小口袋叢書:高中英語900句》編輯推薦:《小小口袋叢書:高中英語900句》讓我們的...
◆Keep Haying 繼續彈/68 ◆Breaking the Silence 打破沉默/71 ◆Ambition 抱負/74 ◆A Plate 0f Peas 一盤碗豆 ◆A Date with the Other Woman 和另一個女人的約會/83 ◆Pray for Mother 為母親祈禱/87 Beauty of Kindness隊善為美 ◆Compassion of a Great Man 一位偉人的同情心/93 ◆Androcles and ...
《Dirt And Sweat Cowboy》是Chris Ledoux演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Western Tunesmith》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Well Lord I love this ranchin'With it's ropin' and brandin'But I don't like that farmin' at all It's goodby for the summer This haying's sure a bummer And I'll be back to help You ...
When haying is over then harvest draws near We will send to our Brewer To brew us strong beer And in brewing strong beer boys We will cut down their corn And we’ll take it to the barn boys To keep it from harm Now harvest being over bad weather comes on We will send for the ...