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  • 外文名:harmony
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式讀音:[ˈhɑːrməni]
  • 美式讀音:[ˈhɑːrməni]
  • 釋義:協調;和睦;融洽;調和


  1. 融洽,和諧(性),和睦(關係)
  2. 協調,調和,一致(性)
  3. 【語】和聲(學)
  4. 適應
  5. 【音】諧調
  6. 【宗】四福音對照書
  7. 勻稱
  8. 平靜
  9. 哈默妮(音譯名)


functional harmony 功能和聲 ; 功效伴唱 ; 功效和聲
Family harmony 家庭和睦 ; 和諧的旋律 ; 家和萬事興 ; 調和的旋律
monochromatic harmony 單色諧調 ; 單色協調
great harmony 太和 ; 大同 ; 全面和諧
Hidden Harmony 隱藏的和諧 ; 維尼去旅行 ; 隱藏的和諧專輯 ; 漂亮親戚
Habitat Harmony 棲息地的融洽 ; 歇息地的和諧
Close Harmony 別再發揚你的慈愛 ; 密集和聲 ; 種族滅絕 ; 密集式和聲
Economic Harmony 經濟和諧 ; [經] 經濟調諧 ; 經濟協調
Merlion Harmony 諧龍魚 ; 新獅和諧彩龍 ; 新獅和諧


  • 1The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature.這本書將現代文明同與自然界和諧相處的高尚野蠻人的理想進行了對比。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Was it on the train "Harmony" that John met with his girlfriend?約翰是在“和諧號”列車上遇到他的女朋友的嗎?
  • 3The only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.我們生存的唯一途徑就是與自然和諧相處。
  • 4Some people delight in helping others, which contributes to social harmony.有些人以幫助別人為樂,這有助於社會和諧。
  • 5How much is today's spirit of harmony a change from our more turbulent past?當今的和諧精神與我們動盪不安的過去相比發生了多大變化呢?
  • 6To be architecture, a building must achieve a working harmony with a variety of elements."要想成為建築物,它必須與各種元素有效地協調在一起。
  • 7With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature.有了更好的教育,人們能夠建立一個與自然和諧相處的更美好的社會。
  • 8On the social level, improvement in the quality of life can contribute greatly to social harmony.在社會層面,生活質量的提高非常有助於社會和諧。
  • 9Some viewed it as critical of the Aborigines, who pride themselves on living in harmony with nature.有些人認為這是對原住民的批評,因為他們以與大自然和諧相處為榮。
  • 10Five ways to find harmony with the natural world Walk: Break the rhythm of permanently being under a roof.找到與自然世界和諧的五種方法:打破永遠呆在屋檐下的節奏。
  • 11The "Chinese Dream" is a dream to improve people's well-being and a dream of harmony, peace and development.“中國夢”是增進人民福祉的夢,是和諧、和平、發展的夢。
  • 12Calder learnt how to find the precise point to connect each wire so that all the pieces will sway in harmony.考爾德學會了如何找到準確的點連線每根金屬線,使所有的部件能夠協調擺動。
  • 13Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.人的生命被認為是自然的一部分,因此,我們生存的唯一途徑就是與自然和諧相處。
  • 14Maintaining harmony at home is essential for the well-being of an individual, a couple and their offspring, and even the society.維持家庭的和諧,對個人、夫妻、後代乃至整個社會都是至關重要的。
  • 15One of the social needs addressed by conversational flow is the human need for "synchrony"—to be "in sync" or in harmony with one another.對話流程滿足的社會需求之一是人類對“同步”的需求——即保持“同步性”或相互協調性。
  • 16Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe.戰後日本的生產力和社會和諧令美國和歐洲艷羨,漫無目的並不是戰後日本的典型特徵。
  • 17The limited research conducted thus far indicates they're especially dominant among those who value independence over cooperation, and harmony over confrontation.目前為止開展過的有限研究表明,它們在那些重視獨立甚於合作、以及重視和諧甚於對抗的人群中尤其占主導地位。
  • 18Moreover, mutual respect, support and encouragement in a team helps foster a sense of belonging, maintain harmony in the workplace and thus improve job satisfaction.此外,團隊中的相互尊重、支持和鼓勵有助於培養歸屬感,保持工作場所的和諧,從而提高工作滿意度。
  • 19This is in perfect harmony with the museum's function, since the approach is dedicated to seeking out and conserving 'authentic', 'original', readings of the exhibits.這與博物館的功能達成完美和諧,因為該方法致力於尋找和保存對展品“真實的”、“原始的”解讀。
  • 20This design aims for harmony of form and function.這個設計旨在使形式和功能協調一致。《牛津詞典》
  • 21Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.一定會有辦法把我們繁忙的生活安排得既舒適又能找到內心平靜。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 22Taichi also focuses on the harmony between yin and yang.太極也注重陰陽的和諧。
  • 23Anyone who opts to go on Alaska Mean River Time will live in harmony with the planet.任何選擇阿拉斯加平均河流時間的人都將與地球和諧相處。
  • 24Taichi carries traditional Chinese philosophy, such as being in harmony with nature and using softness to beat hardness.太極承載著中國的傳統哲學,如與自然和諧相處,以柔克剛。
  • 25Confucius believed that we can have a really good and happy life if we learn to live in harmony.孔子認為,如果我們學會和諧相處,我們就能擁有一個真正美好和幸福的生活。
  • 26We must never lose sight of the fact that man must work in harmony with nature.我們絕不能忘記這一點——人類必須與大自然和諧共處。
  • 27He wandered far from the accustomed haunts of boys, and sought desolate places that were in harmony with his spirit.他遠離孩子們常去的地方,尋找適合他心情的的僻靜之地。
  • 28Sand sculpture, a new and comprehensive art is in perfect harmony with drawing, construction, and outdoor recreational activities.沙雕融雕塑、繪畫、建築、體育、戶外娛樂為一體,是一門新興的綜合性藝術。
  • 29In this metaphor, think about the relationship between the mind and the body as similar to the relationship between harmony and a harp.這個比喻里,思考一下身心的關係類比於和聲與豎琴的關係。
  • 30Why, when dealing with harmony and bass lines, do I want to start by focusing on popular music and then apply those principles to classical music?為什麼在處理和音和低音線時,我是否需要注重流行音樂,然後將這些原則套用到古典樂上?


