



  • 外文名:habituate
  • 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[hə'bɪtʃʊeɪt; -tjʊ-]
  • 美式發音:[həˈbɪtʃʊˌet]


V to accustom; make used (to) 習慣於


  • 1You must habituate yourself to hard work.你必須使自己習慣於艱苦的工作。
  • 2He used to habituate the dirty bars during those days in Europe.在歐洲的那些日子他常常去下等酒吧。
  • 3One can habituate oneself to living alone, though rarely with any pleasure.雖然獨自一人生活很少會有樂趣,但還是可以習慣的。
  • 4Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far.步行是最好的鍛鍊,試試習慣走遠路吧。
  • 5One can habituate oneself to living alone , though rarely with any pleasure.雖然獨自一人生活很少會有樂趣,但還是可以習慣的。
  • 6According to my ancient love manual, I habituate to a extraordinary and humor man.根據我的古老愛戀手冊顯示,我習慣與眾不同且幽默的男子。
  • 7Or we might simply habituate prey to large noisy animals—like us—and thus render them more susceptible to predators later.或許我們只是習慣了發出嘈雜聲響的大型動物,而這會讓它們更容易受到捕食者的影響。
  • 8"In a second session, the fetus" remembers "the stimulus and the number of stimuli needed for the fetus to habituate is then much smaller."在第二階段,胎兒“記住”的刺激和一些需要使胎兒習慣的刺激則小得多。
  • 9Anyway, wildlife could habituate themselves to the changes of surroundings owing to the Qinghai-Tibetan railway building by learning and adjusting their behavior.總的看來,動物能夠通過自己的適應和行為調節,可以適應青藏鐵路修建對該地區的環境所帶來的變化。
  • 10Overall, the wildlife could habituate themselves to the changes of surroundings owing to the Qinghai-Tibet highway construction by learning and adjusting their behavior.總的看來,野生動物通過自己的適應和行為調節,可以適應青藏公路對該地區環境帶來的變化。
  • 11Since fetuses that have developmental problems take longer to habituate than normal fetuses, these types of studies may help indicate fetuses that are at risk for certain conditions.因為有發育問題的胎兒比正常胎兒需要更長時間去適應,這些類型研究有助於指出胎兒對某些條件是有危險的。
  • 12Previous research has shown that fetuses can habituate to sounds and that the fetus has a short-term memory of 24-hours, but this study further examined how long these memories can last.之前的研究表明,胎兒能對聲適應並且胎兒有24小時的短期記憶,但這研究進一步檢查了這些記憶能持續多久。

