



  • 外文名:guiding
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞
  • 發音:[ˈɡaɪdɪŋ]


英 [ˈɡaɪdɪŋ] 美 [ˈɡaɪdɪŋ]
v. 給某人領路(或導遊);指導,影響(某人的行為);解釋;攙扶……走;移動;為……導向;駕駛(車輛)(guide現在分詞
adj. 給予指導的;有影響的


be my guiding star 讓星辰照亮我路 ; 作我的引路之星 ; 我的引路之星 ; 讓星斗照亮我路
inner guiding post 內導柱
outer guiding post 外導柱 ; 中導柱
Guiding ideology 指導思想 ; 指導我們的思想
Immortal guiding 仙人指路
cage guiding 套筒導向 ; 套籠導向
guiding telescope [光] [天] 導星望遠鏡 ; [光] [天] 導星鏡
guiding principle 指導原則
guiding system 導向系統;制導系統
guiding device 導出裝置;導向裝置
guiding star 引導星;指路明燈
guiding force 導向力
guiding light 引導光線;引導燈;指明燈


  • She was inexperienced and needed a guiding hand. 她缺乏經驗,需要有人指導。
  • His guiding principle has been never to stop learning. 他的指導原則是永不停頓地學習。
  • I believe you discussed the problems with Susan and thought she would be good at guiding guests after they had arrived. 我相信你們已經與蘇珊討論了這個問題,並認為她會在客人到來後很好地引導客人。
  • Gradually, genius came to represent a person's characteristics and thence an individual's highest attributes derived from his "genius" or guiding spirit. 漸漸地,天才變成代表一個人的特徵,因此,個人的最高屬性來自於他的“天才”或引導他的精神。
  • The theory of "Solar Term" remains important to farmers for guiding their practices and is used widely by communities and shared by many racial groups in China. “節氣說”對農民仍然很重要,因為它指導著他們的生產行為,而且被社區群體和中國的許多民族廣泛地使用。
  • Telling myself that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions for characters, conflicts and endings for her tales. 當我為年輕作家的故事人物、衝突和結局提供建議時,我告訴自己,我只是一個有經驗的作家,引導她穿過寫作大廳而已。
  • I believe there's some force guiding us—call it God, destiny or fate. 我總認為有某種力量在指引著我們—叫它上帝也罷,天意也罷,還是命運也罷。
  • His guiding hands, together with my interest in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. 他引導著我,加上我自己對發明很感興趣,我成為了一名工程師和發明家。
  • In the pilot's hand is the joystick, guiding the drone as it soars above Afghanistan, Iraq, or some other battlefield. 飛行員手握控制桿,指引無人飛機在阿富汗、伊拉克和其他戰場飛行。
  • Raewyn was guiding a tour group of Australians. 雷維恩帶領著一個澳大利亞旅遊團。
  • Creating the guiding coalition. 創建指導上的聯合。
  • Again, that's your code guiding you. 再一次,這是代碼在指引。
  • Show me what love is be my guiding star. 讓我知道愛是什麼,作我的指路之星。
  • They denounce all attempts at guiding choice. 他們痛斥所有試圖選擇正確寫作指導的做法。
  • Guiding the search engine throughout your site. 引導搜尋引擎遍歷整個站點。
  • But suddenly a guiding confidence came over her. 但是馬上她就會變得自信起來。
  • “Staying with the brand” is one of her guiding principles. “和品牌共存亡”是她的一個指導原則。
  • If you own your guiding principle then you own the thoughts. 如果你有了指導行為的原則,那么也就有了思想!
  • Glimmers of hope, meet your guiding light: the blast furnace. 希望之光,看看您的指路明燈:冶煉高爐。
  • So it can be useful to have a set of guiding focuses in your business. 因此想做好生意,一些指導業務重點的原則還是很有用的。
  • You could argue that the user does not need that sort of hand guiding. 您可能會爭辯說,用戶不需要這種手把手的指導。
  • Make that your guiding principle in all your dealings with your staff. 讓其成為你與一切員工打交道的指導原則。
  • I think guiding Chinese tourists abroad would be very inter-esting. 我以為給到國外旅遊的中國人當導遊肯定很有意思。
  • "Global flavor" remains the restaurant's guiding philosophy, he said. 他表示,全球風味仍是該餐館的經營之道。
  • These guiding principles provide the foundation for the SOA reference model. 這些指導原則為SOA參考模型提供了基礎。
  • Self organization is tempered by the guiding hand of a good project manager. 自組織依靠優秀的項目經理的指導來調節。
  • Also important is inspiring and guiding younger researchers to do great work. 另外一個重要事情就是鼓舞和引導年輕研究者去做出傑出成果。
  • Guiding others to success, however, hardly made Allen himself immune to failure. 艾倫雖然始終在引導他人成功,但這不能幫自己避免失敗。


