



  • 外文名:gorge
  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 英式讀音:[ɡɔːdʒ]
  • 美式讀音:[ɡɔːrdʒ]


gorge line 領串口 ; 串口 ; 領圈線 ; 卡釣
gorge radius [機] 咽喉半徑 ; 隘半徑
Elora Gorge 伊勞拉峽谷 ; 埃洛拉山谷 ; 拉峽谷
Barron Gorge 巴倫峽谷 ; 巴倫峽 ; 巴倫大峽谷
gorge dart 胸省
Columbia Gorge 哥倫比亞河谷
Karangahake Gorge 卡朗阿哈科峽谷 ; 探訪卡朗加哈科峽谷 ; 卡朗格哈克峽谷 ; 麗的卡朗加哈科峽谷
ice gorge 冰峽 ; 冰壩


  • 1Wind was funnelling through the gorge.風吹過峽谷。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Ahead was the deep V of a gorge with water pouring down it.前面是陡深的V字形峽谷,水流傾瀉而下。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Olduvai Gorge, an early hominid site in Tanzania, was found by a butterfly hunter who literally fell into its deep valley in 1911.坦尚尼亞早期的原始人類遺址,奧杜瓦伊峽谷是1911年,一名蝴蝶獵人掉進峽谷深處時發現的。
  • 4Barney Frank, Gorge Bush and Allen Greenspan, who is the worst actor?巴尼·弗蘭克、喬治·布希和艾倫·格林斯潘,演技最糟糕的演員是誰?
  • 5America continues to gorge.而美國還在繼續揮霍。
  • 6Jesse followed the fence back toward the gorge.傑希順著籬笆回到了山谷。
  • 7And a lovely man helped us take a photo of the gorge.但我們最終還是抵達山頂啦,還有一個可愛的先生幫我們和峽谷拍了張合影。
  • 8WIDE SHOT as they cross a DEEP GORGE. A waterfall shimmers.寬鏡頭——在他們穿越一個大峽谷時。
  • 9During mango season, one weird recipe that Indians gorge on is poori-aamras.在芒果收穫的季節,一種怪異的食譜表明,印第安人會狼吞虎咽一種食品叫poori-aamras,Pooris 是油炸而成的。
  • 10Other kids gorge on13 food when they're feeling upset or sad or even bored.還有的孩子在感覺煩惱、悲傷、甚至厭倦時會大吃特吃。
  • 11It is an arch dam, which is perfect for that rocky, narrow gorge in which it was built.這是一座拱壩,建於多石又狹窄的峽谷上真是恰到好處。
  • 12A deep gorge drops some 650 feet (198 meters) near the abandoned city of Araden, Crete.靠近克里特島的被遺棄的城市阿雷登araden的一個深峽谷下陷了約650英尺198米。
  • 13It is built in a huge gorge in the Mallamala hills and is over five hundred meters long.它建於納拉馬奈山脈一個大峽谷之上,長約500多米。
  • 14A warm afternoon, the second day of spring, but the air in the gorge had become cold and damp.本來是春天的第二天,一個溫暖的下午,但是峽谷里的空氣變的又冷又濕。
  • 15And if along the way you want to gorge on caviar or get a tattoo, that's entirely up to you.至於在路上你想大吃魚子醬還是刻個紋身,那就完全取決於你自己了。
  • 16A steep gorge by the Colorado River, Arizona in United States, this has the most enjoyable scenery.位於美國亞利桑那州科羅拉多河兩側深深的峽谷是最讓人流連忘返的。
  • 17In addition to magnificent scenery, the gorge provides a 2, 460-foot (750-meter) descent to the sea.除了壯麗的風光外,峽谷還提供了2460英尺(750米)的通道,可以下降到海洋。
  • 18She imagined that the pain was coming at her from a vast distance, from the unseen bottom of a gorge.她假想那疼痛來自遙遠的峽谷,離她很遠很遠。
  • 19But those who take vitamin pills may be more likely to gorge on fast food and slob out on the sofa.但是那些服用維生素丸的人更有可能大吃快餐,而且懶洋洋地坐在沙發上。
  • 20Olduvai stone chopping tool (made 1.8 million years ago) found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, East Africa.出土於東亞坦尚尼亞奧杜威峽谷的石制砍砸器,約製造於180萬年前。
  • 21I looked to the river gorge falling 100 feet below on our left and the steep rock face to the right.在我們左邊是深達100英尺的河谷,右邊是壁立的懸崖。
  • 22Pictured here: the Swift River runs through Rocky Gorge, next to the Kancamagus Highway in New Hampshire.圖為洛基峽谷流淌著的斯威夫特河,它就在新罕布夏州的堪卡馬·格斯公路旁。
  • 23Reverse your Meals: Most people don't eat breakfast, have a sandwich for lunch and gorge on a big dinner.調整你的三餐:許多人不吃早飯,中午只吃個三明治了事,而一到晚上就大餐一頓。
  • 24Today, it might seem as though we have returned to the sloppiness of medieval feasting, or even Cheddar Gorge.今天,看起來仿佛又興起了中世紀風,甚至有的帶著切達峽谷原始風味。
  • 25Indeed, driving on the Kabul Gorge seems a uniquely Afghan experience, a complicated dance of beauty and death.事實上,在喀布爾大峽谷公路上開車,可以被視為阿富汗人所獨有的體驗,一場混搭著美麗與死亡的舞蹈。
  • 26It covers an area of about 700 square kilometers (270 square miles) and has two parts: Huang Long and Muni Gorge.它占地大約700平方公里(270平方英里)並且由2個部分組成:黃龍和穆尼峽。
  • 27Whether plunging through a steep-sided gorge or oozing through a peat bog, water is a constant presence in the park.無論是從陡峭的峽谷中躍出,還是從泥炭沼澤中滲出,水總是在公園中無處不見。


