god\x27s diet

god\x27s diet

《god's diet》是2000年Random House US出版社出版的圖書,作者是Dr. Dorothy Gault-McNemee。


  • 中文名:god's diet
  • 作者:Dr. Dorothy Gault-McNemee
  • 出版社:Random House US出版社 
  • ISBN:9780609806753 


  Finally, the end to fad diets!We've all tried the impossible-to-maintain trendy diets thatoften deliver immediate results only to backfire the moment ourvigilance wanes. God's Diet is the only diet you'll ever need. Andonce you become accustomed to healthy eating, this "diet" willsimply become your new lifestyle. Learn the absolute way tosustained weight loss by adopting a complete, delicious, naturaldiet. There are no annoying calculations, no food exchanges -- nofall-off-the-wagon syndrome. Dr. Gault-McNemee teaches you:How totrim down and improve your health and energy effortlesslyThat everything you need to lose weight is at your local grocerystore--no pills, powders, or shakesHow to get in the habit of choosing natural, wholesome food overgimmicky "diet" food, fast food, and food full of sugar andadditivesThat weight loss can be a straightforward, successful, andlasting processGod's Diet is the solution to chronic dieting because it relieson the simplest, most tried-and-true food path to health andhealthy eating -- one our society has chosen to ignore for decades.Just remember, if God didn't make it, don't eat it!


Dorothy Gault-McNemee, M.D., runs a successful clinic in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, where she has been able to take many of her patients off their medications for hypertension, cholesterol, and diabetes with the successful implementation of God's Diet.

