- 外文名:glowingly
- 詞性:副詞
- 發音:[ˈɡloʊɪŋli]
- 釋義:熱心地
英 [ˈɡləʊɪŋli] 美 [ˈɡloʊɪŋli]
adv. 熱心地
insist glowingly 熱情地堅持
receive glowingly 熱心地接待
blaze glowingly 熱情地燃燒
Speak Glowingly Of 暢談
Archer looked at her glowingly 阿切爾用灼熱的目光看著她
- Up until a few decades ago, our visions of the future were largely—though by no means uniformly—glowingly positive. 直到幾十年前,我們對未來的看法大體上還是積極熱切的,儘管不完全是一致的。
- In her letter she praised him glowingly. 她在信中熱情地讚揚了他。
- The evacuation of all their forces was glowingly represented as a triumphant success. 他們的全軍大撤退被堂而皇之地描繪為一次偉大的勝利。
- She visited Pakistan's military academy at Abbottabad, and writes glowingly of how the institution "spares nothing in its quest for excellence." 她走訪了位於阿伯塔巴德的巴基斯坦軍事學院,生動地描寫了這個學校是怎樣“不遺餘力的追求卓越的”。
- Afterward we load Dot and Mirk into the trunk of the car, and I treat MacDiarmid to a soda at the local pub, where he talks glowingly of his exceptional dogs. 將默克和竇特留在車裡之後,我和羅迪爾米德來到當地的酒吧里,一邊喝蘇打水一邊滔滔不絕地談論他優秀的狗。
- In listening to the AIDS orphan spoke glowingly of the future dream, he encouraged the children to become pillars of the community before, strive to become the champion of life. 在傾聽了愛滋病致孤兒童暢談未來的夢想之後,他鼓勵孩子們努力成為社會棟樑之才,爭當生活的冠軍。