adj. 光榮的,值得稱道的;輝煌的,絢麗的;極其愉快的;(天氣)陽光燦爛的
1Harrison had a glorious career spanning more than six decades.哈里森有過一段長達六十餘年的輝煌的職業生涯。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
2The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics.榮獲諾貝爾獎使其物理學研究的輝煌事業達到了頂點。《牛津詞典》
3Any change can be glorious.任何變化都可以是輝煌的。
4It represents the nation's glorious past.它代表了這個國家光榮的過去。
5He is deeply moved by their glorious deeds.他們的光榮事跡使他深受感動。
6The story is set in the British Glorious Revolution.故事發生的背景是英國光榮革命時期。
7I am Loki, from Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.我是從阿斯加德神域來的洛基,我肩負光榮的使命。
8"I would fain know if I am destined for so glorious a career," cried the Tree, rejoicing.“也許某一天我也注定要做一件這樣光榮的事情!”樅樹高興地叫道。
9We are now engaged in a great and most glorious cause, never undertaken by our forefathers.我們正在做我們的前人從來沒有做過的極其光榮偉大的事業。
10The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is considered one of the most glorious pages in our country's history.2008年北京奧運會被視為我國歷史上光輝的一頁。
11He wanted all to lie in an ecstasy of peace; I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee.他希望一切都處在一種寧靜的狂喜之中;我想讓一切都在輝煌的慶典中閃閃發光,翩翩起舞。
12They had three weeks of glorious sunshine.他們度過了三周陽光燦爛的日子。《牛津詞典》
13The rooms were painted in glorious technicolour.這些房間被粉刷得絢麗多彩。《牛津詞典》
14In this living room we've mixed glorious floral prints.在這客廳里我們將各種漂亮的花卉圖案搭配在了一起。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
15She had missed the glorious blooms of the desert spring.她錯過了沙漠春天的繁花美景。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
16The animal kingdom is full of fine and glorious creatures.動物界有很多精巧而美妙的生物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
17I don't think it was as glorious as everybody made it out to be.我認為這不像大家說的那樣了不起。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
18The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days.這次獲勝勾起了他對那些奪冠歲月的美好記憶。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
19I was seeing it all in glorious technicolor: mountains, valleys, lakes, summer sunshine.我所看見的一切--大山、山谷、湖泊和夏日的陽光全是絢麗多彩的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
20The smeared colours looked glorious, like rich, thick frosting on a cake.塗抹的顏色看起來絢麗多彩,就像蛋糕上厚厚的糖霜。
21Oh, prithee, say no more, 'tis glorious!啊,請你不要再說了,真是太愉快了!
22A glorious well-oiled angel rides on a winged unicorn.一位光彩照人的天使騎著一隻有翼的獨角獸。
23He overlooked it in his haste to tell the glorious tidings.他急忙講這個極好的訊息時,以致於忽略了它。
24We have been searching the world's best and most glorious beach walks.我們一直在尋找世界上最好、最壯觀的海灘漫步之地。
25He tilted up the pot, and a glorious stream of hot rich stew gurgled into the plate.他把鍋傾斜起來,一股熱騰騰的濃湯汩汩地流進了盤子。
26The grandfather also returned from a walk, on which he had gathered a glorious bunch of deep-blue gentians.爺爺也散步回來了,他採回了一大把深藍色的龍膽草。
27One artist describes them as "the glorious, technicolor-dream-coat room where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies".一位藝術家把它們描述成“搖馬人在華麗的、色彩絢麗的、夢幻的大衣房吃棉花糖派”。
28Another week of glorious golf has ended in Stornoway.又一個輝煌的高爾夫球周在斯托諾威結束了。
29It is a glorious thing to die for the people.為人民而死,雖死猶榮!《新英漢大辭典》
30Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is a glorious piece of music.貝多芬的第九交響曲是壯麗的音樂篇章。《新英漢大辭典》