



  • 外文名:glaring
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈɡleərɪŋ]
  • 美式發音:[ˈɡlerɪŋ]


ADJ If you describe something bad as glaring, you are emphasizing that it is very obvious and easily seen or noticed. 顯眼的 [強調]
glaringly ADV 顯眼地
→ see also glare


glaring eyes 生氣時瞪著眼睛 ; 也指生氣時瞪著的眼睛
glaring fault 大錯
glaring lights 耀眼的燈光
Glaring Color 火紅顏色
Glaring Style 瞪視型
Glaring Covetously 眈眈
glaring sunlight 耀眼的陽光
Glaring Now 盯著此刻
Glaring Dragon 火龍之舞
  • 1As Mr. Flanagan leaves the glaring sun of the prairie and enters the shady grove, his eyes search for specific tree.當弗拉納根先生從牧場上耀眼的陽光處走進綠樹成蔭的小樹林時,他的眼睛搜尋著特定的一棵樹。
  • 2As Mr. Flanagan leaves the glaring sun of the prairie and enters the shady grove, his eyes search for specific tree.當弗拉納根先生從牧場上耀眼的陽光處走進綠樹成蔭的小樹林時,他的眼睛搜尋著特定的一棵樹。
  • 3I never saw such a glaring example of misrepresentation.我從未見過這樣一個明顯歪曲事實的例子。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The most glaring flaw of the social cure as it's presented here is that it doesn't work very well for very long.正如這裡所指出的,社會療法最明顯的缺陷是它不能持久地發揮良好的作用。
  • 5I felt too stunned to open my mouth, staring at her scorched and toilworn face under the glaring lamp.我愣住了,張不開口,望著燈光下她那張焦黑憔悴的臉。
  • 6The glaring light is making me sick.耀眼的光讓我不舒服。
  • 7I will highlight the most glaring.這裡我只強調說明最突出的問題。
  • 8The risk is most glaring in banking.銀行業的危險最為嚴重。
  • 9By the way, your text has a glaring error.順便說一下,教科書上有個很明顯的錯誤。
  • 10This is very glaring that there is no fair trial.這已經很明顯的表明審判不公平。
  • 11One of the most glaring examples is energy policy.其中一個最典型的例子就是能源政策。
  • 12One reason, of course, was the glaring unfairness.當然,解體的原因之一是極度的不平等。
  • 13Annabel said, glaring at the ants from the wheelchair.安娜·貝利說,從輪椅上看到了螞蟻。
  • 14All this is especially glaring on the expo site itself.所有的這一切值世博之時尤為突出。
  • 15They didn't fight, but stood there glaring at one another.他們沒有打架,只是站在那裡互相怒目而視。
  • 16The most glaring example of this is the bubble sort algorithm.這方面有一個非常著名的例子,就是使用冒泡算法排序。
  • 17The glass top of the desk is reverberating the glaring sunlight.寫字檯上的玻璃板反射著耀眼的陽光。
  • 18The complete ommision of Saudi Arabia was a glaring oversight.沙烏地阿拉伯則直接被忽略了。
  • 19There are some glaring exceptions to Facebook’s colonization kick.雖然facebook像殖民開拓那樣所向披靡,但依然有一些明顯的例外。
  • 20In education, the hukou system's absurdity is particularly glaring.在教育方面,戶口系統暴露的弊端顯而易見。
  • 21Is he come back, then? 'asked the hermit, glaring like a hungry Wolf.“那么,他回來了嗎?”這個隱士問,像個餓狼似的睨視著。
  • 22We could have had glaring videos appear before you look at every message.我們也可以在顯示你的每條郵件之前先給你播放一段花花綠綠的視頻。
  • 23One glaring omission is any mention of emotion in relationship satisfaction.一個涉及關係時容易發生的疏忽。
  • 24The contrast in life expectancy between rich and poor nations remains glaring.富國預期壽命與窮國預期壽命之間的差別依然突出。
  • 25At first I thought the glaring sun on the water was going to ruin the picture.起初我還以為水面耀眼的陽光會毀了這張照片。
  • 26The theoretical appeal of solar energy is glaring: it is clean and ubiquitous.理論上講,太陽能的好處顯而易見:清潔,普遍。


