

furthest,英語單詞,主要用作副詞、形容詞,作副詞時譯為“最遠地;最大程度地,最先進的(同 farthest)”,作形容詞時譯為“最遠的;最大程度的(同 farthest)”。


  • 外文名:furthest
  • 詞性:副詞、形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈfɜːðɪst]
  • 美式發音:[ˈfɜːrðɪst]


ADVFurthest means to a greater extent or degree than ever before or than anything or anyone else. 最大程度地 [ADV with v]
ADVFurthest means at a greater distance from a particular point than anyone or anything else, or for a greater distance than anyone or anything else. 最遠地
ADJFurthest is also an adjective. 最遠的 [ADJ n]


the furthest 在最晚 ; 最遠的
futher furthest 抽象的遠
further furthest 程度上的進一步
furthest neightbour 最遠鄰
furthest complexity 最優複雜度
Furthest reaches 角落
creativity furthest 創造性發揮
Furthest neighbor 最遠距離法 ; 遠鄰法
furthest possible 極端 ; 盡頭的 ; 有幫助的 ; 末端的


  • 1They had a competition to see who could throw the furthest.他們舉行了一場比賽,看誰投得最遠。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The risk of thunder is greatest in those areas furthest from the coast.遭雷擊的危險在離海岸最遠的那些地區最大。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The south, where prices have fallen furthest, will remain the weakest market.價格降幅最大的南方仍將是最疲軟的市場。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4How did it look in the furthest saloon?在最遠的那個酒吧間裡,情況怎么樣?
  • 5Insects, birds arid fish tend to be the creatures that humans feel furthest from.昆蟲、鳥類和魚類往往是人類感到最沒有親切感的生物。
  • 6AI sank furthest to the bottom.青蛙艾下潛得最遠到了底部。
  • 7I went to the furthest room and watched the snow.我走進最遠的房間看雪。
  • 8Morocco’s king seems prepared to go furthest fastest.摩洛哥國王似乎準備走得最快最遠。
  • 9Morocco's king seems prepared to go furthest fastest.摩洛哥國王似乎準備走得最快最遠。
  • 10What language do they speak in the furthest reaches?位於最遠那一端的用戶說什麼語言呢?
  • 11Anyway, what do you think is the furthest distance in the world?那么,你認為世界上最遙遠的距離是什麼?
  • 12Water may be the furthest thing from your mind when you’re busy.在你忙的時候也許根本想不到喝水。
  • 13Start with the pin furthest away from you—then move on to the next.最先開啟離你最遠的一個針腳,然後再移到下一個。
  • 14Prizes are awarded for most money raised and furthest distance traveled.籌錢最多、走的最遠的小組將會獲獎。
  • 15"I can tell you that's just the furthest thing from the truth," he said.“我只想說這與事實相去太遠了,”他說。
  • 16It was the furthest thing from my mind - being married or having a child.結婚或是生子對我來說是遙不可及的事。
  • 17Also, this was the furthest thing from a high pressure, meat-market bar situation.而且,這是離壓力、肉市攤位最為遙遠的事情。
  • 18It was the furthest thing on the planet from Silicon Valley back then in the 80 "s."在80年代那個時候,對矽谷來說這是世界上最遙遠、最毫不相干的事情。
  • 19N: Centrifugal force pushes it toward the point furthest, away from the point of rotation.尼基:離心力會把湯甩向最遠的一點,遠離旋轉點。
  • 20In the markets where this has gone furthest, such as Britain, retailers' own brands account for 40% of grocery sales.在市場裡面走得更遠,譬如英國,零售商的自有品牌占雜貨店銷售額的40%。
  • 21But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of earth's furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born.但我要對你們說:當你們工作時,你們便實現了大地一部分最悠遠的夢想,在夢想成形之初,這部分便已分派給你。
  • 22The researcher who has gone the furthest in designing ethical robots is Ronald Arkin of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.道德機器人設計研究者中走得最遠的是亞特蘭大喬治亞理工學院的Ronald Arkin。
  • 23There are many ways to make a paper airplane, experiment with different types and see which ones work the best and fly the furthest.紙飛機有很多做法,嘗試不同風格的方法,看看怎么做才能飛得更遠。
  • 24The artificial intelligence technology that has moved furthest into the mainstream is computer understanding of what humans are saying.主流人工智慧技術技術更進一步的方向是電腦能理解人類在說什麼。
  • 25"The time to worry about depressions," F.A. Hayek once wrote, "is, unfortunately, when they are furthest from the minds of most people."“當我們為蕭條時憂心忡忡時,”哈耶克曾寫道,“不幸的是,蕭條早被大部分人拋到九霄雲外去了。”
  • 26And in fact today, right now, we're going to move back the furthest we go, all the way into the nineteenth century to talk about the early Yeats.實際上今天,現在,我們會回到很早的時候,直到十九世紀,來談談早期的葉芝。


