



  • 外文名:furrow
  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈfʌrəʊ]
  • 美式發音:[ˈfɜːroʊ]


N-COUNT A furrow is a long, thin line in the earth which a farmer makes in order to plant seeds or to allow water to flow along. 壟溝
N-COUNT A furrow is a deep, fairly wide line in the surface of something. 溝
N-COUNT A furrow is a deep fold or line in the skin of someone's face. 皺紋


furrow plough 開溝犁 ; 鏵式犁 ; 鏵犁
furrow application[肥料] 溝施 ; 條施 ; 畦間施
Ash Furrow 阿什·弗羅 ;
furrow whale 有深溝的鯨
furrow membrane 孢槽切膜 ; 溝膜
furrow cast 溝鑄型 ; 溝狀鑄型
mud furrow 泥裂溝
furrow drilling 溝播 ; 壟作


  • 1Mapping the furrow exactly.精確測繪犁溝距間。
  • 2An old ox makes a straight furrow.老牛犁溝直。或:生薑還是老的辣。
  • 3They can only furrow their brows at it.他們只能皺眉頭。
  • 4The bird's talons stopped in mid-furrow.鳥兒的爪子停止了抓撓。
  • 5Heavy trucks made deep furrow in the road.載重汽車在路上留下了深深的車輪跡。
  • 6Some deep wrinkles furrow his lower forehead.他額頭下方出現了幾道深深的皺紋。
  • 7To draw(the brows) together in wrinkles; furrow.皺(眉)收緊(眉毛)成紋狀;
  • 8The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand.曳引機在鬆軟的沙土上留下了深深的車轍。
  • 9Care have cause deep furrow to appear on her forehead.憂慮使她的前額上出現了深深的皺紋。
  • 10Hunger arising from the furrow, and disease from the stream.饑饉來自田畦,疾病來自河流。
  • 11Since his wife's death he has been ploughing a lonely furrow.從他妻子死後,他一直過著孤獨的生活。
  • 12Since her daughter's death she has been ploughing a lonely furrow.自從她女兒死後,她一直過著孤獨的生活。
  • 13Hendry gives the strong impression of a man ploughing a lonely furrow.亨德里給人留下了孤獨無援的深刻印象。
  • 14Principles outlined for furrow irrigation apply to related methods of irrigation.簡述的溝灌原理也適用於相近的灌水方法。
  • 15Gray hair, a face with deep furrow on brow and cheeks and around the mouth, and a heavy body.灰白的頭髮,臉上眉宇和臉頰之間和嘴角周圍刻著深深的皺紋,一個笨重的身體。
  • 16Skull: Viewed from the front and in profile little rounded. Frontal furrow hardly marked.頭骨:自前方和側面看略圓。前額紋路幾乎看不見。
  • 17No longer did they have to close their eyes and furrow their brows - this was much easier.他們不必閉上雙眼,緊皺眉頭,這次容易多了。
  • 18I can even tell the royal jelly component has plumped up my laugh creases and brow furrow.它所含有的蜂皇漿成分也確實減少了我的笑紋和眉頭紋。
  • 19The wild boar plow the earth up like a furrow and does irreparable damage in the cultivated lands.公野豬把地面拱得像一條壟溝,耕地給糟蹋得不能種莊稼了。
  • 20Loins: Strong and hidden by the developed lumbar muscles which form a median furrow along the spine.腰部:強和脊椎隱藏發達腰肌勞損形成沿溝中位數。
  • 21A plowman and his great plow, now standing idle in the furrow, had in a day wrought a terrible havoc.一個農夫扶著鐵犁,站在畦間,在一天之內造成了這一個大破壞!
  • 22Angelica under Ridge planting, Black plastic mulch coverage, Furrow planting show some disease resistance.壟作、黑色地膜覆蓋、溝植的當歸對麻口病表現出了一定的抗性。
  • 23The wear and tear mechanisms of the timing chain system are oxidation erode, furrow, fatigue wear and tear.系統中的鏈條出現的氧化點蝕、犁溝磨損及疲勞磨損等特徵是系統中磨損的主要機制;
  • 24Only her eyes were still intensely alive, in a face slashed with wrinkles, each one lined with a deep black furrow.只有她那雙眼睛還很有神,她的面孔上的皺紋似刀割的,每條紋都是條深黑色的犁溝。
  • 25The barman's face stopped in mid-wobble. The bird's talons stopped in mid-furrow. The hand slowly released its grip.酒吧男侍的臉停止了晃動。鳥兒的爪子停止了抓撓。那隻手慢慢地鬆開了。
  • 26For one of Britain's most respected economists, Hendry gives the strong impression of a man ploughing a lonely furrow.作為英國最受尊重的經濟學家之一,亨德里給人留下了孤獨無援的深刻印象。
  • 27It had a better effect with furrow irrigation and level placement on the ground to grow seedlings in straw container.秸稈容器育苗時採用側方滲灌、器地面平放方式,對育苗效果有相對較好的作用。


