



  • 外文名:fruitful
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音:[ˈfruːtfl]
  • 美式讀音:[ˈfruːtfl]


prolific fruitful多產的
fruitful achievement豐碩成果
fruitful area卓有成效的領域
cross fruitful雜交可實的
productive fruitful多結果的
fruitful efforts豐碩的成果
fruitful topgreatcoat絨大衣


  • 1We had a long, happy, fruitful relationship.我們曾有一段長久、愉快而富有成效的關係。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Their efforts have been proven fruitful.事實證明他們的努力是有成效的。
  • 3The work will be more fruitful under this plan.按照這一方案,做這工作將更有成效。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4One researcher suggests it might be more fruitful to distribute grants on a relatively equal basis.一位研究人員認為,在相對平等的基礎上分配資金可能更有成效。
  • 5They're documenting why teaching is such a fruitful way to learn and designing innovative ways for young people to engage in instruction.他們正在證明為什麼教學是一種卓有成效的學習方式,並設計了創新的方式讓年輕人參與教學。
  • 6Only in this way, can they have a fruitful and successful study life abroad.只有這樣,他們才能有豐富多彩且成功的留學生活。
  • 7Because like Adam and Eve in the first creation story, Noah is told to be fruitful and multiply.因為就像第一個創世故事裡的亞當和夏娃,諾亞被告知要多子多孫。
  • 8The valleys to the north are more fruitful.北部的山谷更富饒。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 9I wish you a most productive and fruitful meeting.我希望這次會議富有成效和成果。
  • 10Yesterday, I had fruitful talks with Prime Minister Fukuda.我昨天同福田首相舉行了富有成果的會談。
  • 11Thus the darkness, the mystery of life can be fruitful.因此,這黑暗,這生命的神秘,可以是肥沃的。
  • 12With fruitful results, the visit achieved full success.訪問成果豐碩,取得圓滿成功。
  • 13It should have been the beginning of a fruitful new era.這本應是一個成功紀元的開始。
  • 14Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars大山和小山,結果的樹木,和一切香柏樹
  • 15The year 2010 was also a fruitful year for China-EU relations.回首2010年,中歐關係經歷了成果豐碩的一年。
  • 16These trends will continue in spring. Hard work will be fruitful.這些趨勢會持續整個春天,努力的工作會有豐碩的回報。
  • 17Juvenile rants in the blogosphere replace fruitful human contact.青少年在部落格上的咆哮代替了富有成效的人員交流。
  • 18And new technology and new databases were fruitful and multiplied.新技術和新資料庫都是富有成果的,且是成倍增加的。
  • 19The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation has conducted fruitful work.中非合作論壇工作富有成效。
  • 20Perelman has provided geometers with a fruitful land to cultivate.佩雷爾曼提供給幾何學家們一塊富饒的土地來耕作。
  • 21We hope that this coming year will be even more fruitful than the last.我們期望這下一年會更加碩果纍纍。
  • 22He currently lives in Texas and enjoys a fruitful and healthy life.他目前住在德克薩斯州,過著豐富而健康的生活。
  • 23God will make our love fruitful, whether we see that fruitfulness or not.無論我們能不能眼見豐收,天主都會使我們的愛碩果纍纍。
  • 24He believed the visit will definitely yield positive and fruitful results.我相信,此訪必將取得積極和豐碩的成果。
  • 25I wish Chinese and foreign business cooperation yield more fruitful results.祝中外企業合作結出更加豐碩的成果。
  • 26Let's hope for fruitful talks that will help to shape improved relations.讓我們期待會談會有結果,這將有助於形成更好的關係。
  • 27Our practical cooperation has become increasingly fruitful in these 60 years.這60年,是兩國務實合作成果日益豐富的60年。
  • 28The two sides noted that the talks have been positive, constructive, and fruitful.雙方認為這次會談是積極的、建設性的和富有成果的。


