- 外文名:forcibly
- 詞性:副詞
- 英式發音:[ˈfɔːsəbli]
- 美式發音:[ˈfɔːrsəbli]
霸占,漢語辭彙,讀作 bà zhàn,直接意思是霸道地占有。指仗勢占為己有。語出清朝史地學家顧炎武 《與顏修來手札》:“ 章丘 一案已得小結。雖陷害之情未明,而霸占之律已正。”釋義 [Forcibly occupy] 仗勢占為己有 出處 清 ...
to store or save up; to hoard, to strip off; to deprive of, to undress forcibly 古籍解釋 康熙字典 䙒【申集下】【衣部】康熙筆畫:16畫部外筆畫:10畫 《集韻》許六切,音畜。褚也。《左傳·襄三十年》取我衣冠而褚...
"Papa Pede" is one of the most powerful people in the city, but he has been marked for death by his enemies. He forcibly recruits two guys, Kieb and Jeng, who have just been released from jail to assassinate his...
After the marriage between a woman from Italy's north and a schoolteacher from Italy's south fails due to deep-seated differences in culture and tradition, the husband forcibly kidnaps his two young sons from the home...
In the process of collectivization, for example, thirty thousand kulaks were killed directly, mostly shot on the spot.About 2 million were forcibly deported to the Far North and Siberia.比如,在農村集體化過程中,多達三萬...
Su was born into a bleak future, where the military keeps tight control over the few children born with magical abilities — known as “Clovers.” The Clovers are forcibly tattooed with a symbol that indicates their ...
mobbish,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“暴徒似的;滋擾的;無紀律的”。雙語例句 To cadging make a living as a performer person clear the standard also had clear, pester repeatedly namely, beg forcibly the ...
unofficially opened its doors to illegal workers to replace the Palestinians who were no longer allowed in the country. As tensions with the Palestinians eased, the government changed its policy and began to forcibly deport...
is another day Be aware, my darling these things I say I mean are just traces of something I long to feel again I see our time expand in the air almost forcibly,spreading thinner till it dissolves completely ...
2011: In Jail for Trying to Forcibly Re-enter the Club 2012: On Parole, Looking for a New Club 精選集 2008: Fatman Scoop's Hottest 2009: Fatman Scoop's Heaviest 2010: Fatman Scoop's Hardest 2011: Fatman Scoop...
Expose it forcibly and Escape emergency and The inconsitency Crow crow cow crow bar to force the hold Drill it drill it drill it into it Eat eat eat all the problems leave Bleeding from Structual defect Structual ...