

finer,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時譯為“更出色的;更好的;更健康的;更優質的;更纖細的;更鋒利的”,作名詞時譯為“ (美、英、瑞、加、以)芬納(人名)”。


  • 外文名:finer
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式發音:[faɪnə]
  • 美式發音:[faɪnər]


Percent finer 小粒重率
finer relation 較細關係
stop finer 止動指針
Sammy Finer 薩米·芬納
much finer 且非常纖細
finer decomposition 精細分解
finer precision 高精度
finer than 細於


  • 1I understood in general what she was talking about, but some of the finer details were beyond me.我大致知道她在說什麼,但是一些更具體的細節沒弄明白。
  • 2The force of collision spewed large amounts of debris into the atmosphere, darkening the skies for several years before the finer particles settled.碰撞的力量將大量碎片噴射到大氣中,在更細的粒子落下之前,天空會變暗幾年。
  • 3I relied on an appeal to his finer feelings.我寄望能打動他的愛心。《牛津詞典》
  • 4He has become a stickler for the finer observances of Washington protocol.他成了拘泥於華盛頓外交禮節的人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Isn't our surprise finer than yours?我們的驚喜不是比你的更好嗎?
  • 6The bird came and brought a still finer dress than the one she had worn the day before.鳥兒飛來了,帶來了一件比她前一天穿的那件還要漂亮的衣服。
  • 7Sandstones generally make good aquifers, while finer-grained mudstones are typically impermeable.砂岩通常是良好的含水層,而細粒泥岩通常是不透水的。
  • 8Humans eat, sleep and play, but we also speak, plot, rationalise and debate finer points of morality.人類吃飯、睡覺、玩耍,但也會談論、策劃、以及對更完善的道德觀點進行合理化和辯論。
  • 9In other cases, the finer particles may be removed, while the sand-sized particles are accumulated to form mobile hills or ridges of sand.在其他情況下,較細的顆粒可能被除去,而沙粒大小的顆粒堆積起來形成移動的山丘或沙脊。
  • 10The results indicate that the semi-solid slurry with much finer and uniformer primary phase particles is gained by self-inoculation method.結果表明,通過自接種法得到具有更細的單相顆粒的半固體泥漿。
  • 11Finer grained means lighter weight.更細粒度意味著更輕量級。
  • 12The internet offers an even finer filter.而網際網路更成了好的新聞過濾器。
  • 13But the judgments are finer for other Banks.但是這個判斷更適合其他銀行。
  • 14Spend your spare time working on the finer points.花點空餘時間在更好地運用語言上。
  • 15For even finer control, you can use keys and offsets.為了更好地進行控制,您可以使用鍵和偏移量。
  • 16There is not a finer county in England than Derbyshire.全英國沒有哪一個郡比德比郡更好了。
  • 17These parts are further decomposed into even finer reusable levels.這些部分被進一步分解為更精細的可重用層。
  • 18Finer etching begets higher-performing microchips, and that's just a start.更精細的刻蝕技術可以孕育更高性能的微晶片,而這僅僅是開始。
  • 19Finer judgments about the liquidity of assets will also come into play.對資產流動性的準確判斷也很重要。
  • 20I may experience nicer places, and finer wines, but I am traveling well.也許我可能經歷更加美好的地方,更美味的葡萄酒,但是我現在正快樂地旅行著。
  • 21The asterisk is a placeholder for supporting finer probe points in the future.星號是一個占位符,用於在以後支持更細粒度的探測點。
  • 22Adding this option provides some finer-grained detail in the progress bars.添加這個選項會在進度條中提供更細粒度的信息。
  • 23"This is reality-check research, " said the study's author, Lawrence Finer.調查報告撰寫者勞倫斯·范恩說:“這是一項反思現實的調查。
  • 24There are finer control over stopping and starting the Resource Manager services.對停止和啟動資源管理器服務有更好的控制。
  • 25A build phase consists of goals, which represent finer-grained specific tasks.一個構建階段包含多個目標,每個目標代表更小的特定任務。
  • 26The stronger the assumptions you make, the finer the conclusions you can draw.您做的假設越強,得到的結論就越好。
  • 27The records are even finer grained than that: cold, bump, points of light, waiting.這些記錄的顆粒甚至更細小:冷,顛簸,光點,等候。
  • 28We live in a specialized world that's being sliced finer, so you need a clear niche.我們生活在一個已近被高度細分化的世界裡,所以,你要有一個清晰的針對性。
  • 29This finer distinction is required to express rich meta information about persistence.需要更細微的差別來表達關於持久化的豐富元信息。


