faith, interrupted

faith, interrupted

《faith, interrupted》是2011年3月Random House US出版的圖書,作者是Eric Lax。


  • 外文名:faith, interrupted 
  • 作者:Eric Lax 編
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780307455543
A profoundly personal, deeply felt exploration of the mysteryof faith—having it, losing it, hoping for its return.
The son of an Episcopal priest whose faith is balanced by anunderstanding of human nature, Eric Lax develops in his youth adeep religious attachment and acute moral compass. An acolyte fromage six and as comfortable in church as he is at home, he oftenconsiders becoming a priest himself. Eventually his faith guideshim to resist military service in Vietnam. His principles will notallow him to kill, and he is willing to go to jail for them. Hisfaith abides until, in his mid-thirties, he begins to question theunquestionable: the role of God in his life.
Whatever his doubts, Lax engages with his father, who shaped hisfaith and was its anchor, and his college roommate and close friendGeorge “Skip” Packard, whose youthful faith mirrored his own, andwho chooses military service and mortal combat. Their ongoing andilluminating dialogues—full of wisdom and insight, probing all theavenues and aspects of religious conviction—reveal much about threemen who approach God, duty, and war in vastly different ways.
A compelling, powerful, and thought-provoking examination offaith.
From the Hardcover edition.


