



  • 外文名:eyebrow
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈaɪbraʊ]
  • 美式發音:[ˈaɪbraʊ]


英 [ˈaɪbraʊ] 美 [ˈaɪbraʊ]
n. 眉,眉毛
[ 複數 eyebrows ]


eyebrow /ˈaɪˌbraʊ/ CET6+ TEM4
1.N-COUNT Your eyebrows are the lines of hair that grow above your eyes. 眉
2.PHRASE If something causes you to raise an eyebrow or to raise your eyebrows, it causes you to feel surprised or disapproving. 揚起眉毛 (表示驚訝、不贊成)


eyebrow pencil 眉筆
Sculpted Eyebrow 濃眉毛
raise eyebrow 質疑地 ; 使不滿
Eyebrow center gaze 凝視眉心法
eyebrow-tattooing apparatus 紋眉機
eyebrow brush 眉刷
eyebrow tweezers 眉鉗 ; 眉夾 ; 眉毛夾 ; 眉毛鑷子
atomizer eyebrow pencil 霧化眉筆


  • 1She raised a questioning eyebrow.她懷疑地挑起眉頭。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He had sustained a cut on his left eyebrow.他的左眉留下了一處傷口。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3A smile, frown, raised an eyebrow, yawn, and sneer all convey information.微笑、皺眉、挑眉、打哈欠和冷笑都傳達信息。
  • 4Her hair is white and short, and she has three silver rings in each eyebrow.她的頭髮又白又短,每條眉毛上都有著三個銀戒指。
  • 5Carr also advises an eyebrow wax and a new outfit before you tell the important people in your illness.卡爾還建議,在把你的病情告訴重要的人之前,先給你的眉毛打蠟,並換一套新衣服。
  • 6A prolonged gaze or arched eyebrow gives clues to the person who comes across the bar that you're interested in .一次長久的注視或挑起眉毛暗示你對酒吧里碰到的人很感興趣。
  • 7He raised a questioning eyebrow.他探詢地揚起眉毛。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8An intriguing item on the news pages caused me to raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee.喝早咖啡時,新聞頁面上的一條趣聞讓我驚訝。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9My son, Ronan, looks at me and raises one eyebrow. His eyes are bright and focused. Ronan means "little seal" in Irish and it suits him.我的兒子羅南看著我,挑起一側眉毛。他的眼睛明亮而專注。羅南在愛爾蘭語中的意思是“小海豹”,這很適合他。
  • 10He'll serve you an eyebrow flash.他會對你動一下眉毛。
  • 11Harry raised an eyebrow.哈利挑起了一條眉毛。
  • 12Nadal raises an eyebrow.納達爾眉毛一揚。
  • 13Mouth is closed, one eyebrow slightly raised.嘴巴閉上,一邊的眉毛微微抬起。
  • 14Eyebrow maintenance is not restricted to women only.修眉可不僅限於女性。
  • 15“What is that?” asked the midwife, arching her eyebrow.“是什麼?” 老接生婆問,拱起眉毛。
  • 16This new tendency has raised many a conservative eyebrow.這種新趨勢引起了許多保守派人士的非難。
  • 17A smile, frown, raised eyebrow, yawn, and sneer all convey information.微笑,蹙額,提眉,哈欠和冷笑都傳遞著信息。
  • 18VC: [Staring out the window, one eyebrow raised] Glad you liked it.(注視窗外,一隻眼皮翹著) 很高興你喜歡這個主意。
  • 19Her hair is white and shorn, and she has three silver rings in each eyebrow.她的頭髮是白色的,箍在一起,眉毛旁邊圍繞著三個銀飾。
  • 20Published on the Pentagon's website it would hardly have raised an eyebrow.即使在五角大樓的網站上發布也並不會引起過多的關注。
  • 21One morning the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway with a bushy, gray eyebrow.一天上午,忙碌的醫生揚了揚灰白的濃眉,示意蘇來到過道。
  • 22Up close you can reveal telling details, like a sprinkle of freckles or an arched eyebrow.更接近時,您可以展示一些明顯的細節,如雀斑或弓形眉毛。
  • 23Raised eyebrow: Eyelash hairs growing from the surface of human skin... magnified 50 times.直立的眉毛:眼睫毛在人類皮膚表面生長……放大50倍。
  • 24Eyebrows are usually arched higher than that of straight men, and eyebrow hair is manicured.眉毛通常比直男彎曲得更高,而且眉毛經過修剪。
  • 25What nobody seemed to have done was listen to the woman's newscast without raising an eyebrow.似乎沒有人摘下有色眼鏡真正去聽這位女主播在播些什麼。
  • 26Always remove tongue or eyebrow piercings3 no more than one earring in each ear, and hide tattoos.把舌環或眉環拿掉(每隻耳朵上只戴一個耳環),遮蓋住紋身。
  • 27When she says she wants to talk more, raise an eyebrow and ask her if she'd like to talk in bed?她想要滔滔不決時你挑眉,問她:要不要在床上說?
  • 28However, in the context of incubating eggs, all-over leopard and angel wings, it barely raises an eyebrow.然而,在充斥著孵化中的雞蛋,全身豹紋,以及天使翅膀的場合,這套衣服根本不會引起人們的注意。
  • 29“Katherine,you needn't be so loud,”My mother criticized.I pretended not to notice John cocking his eyebrow.母親訓斥道。 約翰朝我翹了翹眼眉,我假裝沒看見。

