- 外文名:exhibitor
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式讀音:[ɪɡˈzɪbɪtə(r)]
- 美式讀音:[ɪɡˈzɪbɪtər]
- 1I hope our country can be the most beautiful exhibitor.我希望我們的國家能成為最美參展國。
- 2Exhibitor: Madam, can I help you at all?展出者:夫人,我能夠為你效勞嗎?
- 3How do I access the Exhibitor Service Kit?如何獲得參展商服務套裝?
- 4Exhibitor: May I ask who you are buying for?展覽員:我可否問一下你是為誰購買的?
- 5What are the Exhibitor onsite registration hours?參展商現場的註冊時間是什麼?
- 6Develop sales leads and maintain exhibitor prospect list.開發銷售業務,取得銷售線索,並維護潛在的展商。
- 7See the exhibitor manual for the charging reserved for hotel.預定賓館收費可見參展商手冊。
- 8Each exhibitor will be issued with one Exhibition Certificate.本會將向所有參展商頒發參展證書一份。
- 9Palm was not the only exhibitor in Las Vegas promoting wireless charging.Palm不是唯一一家在拉斯維加斯推出無線充電展品的參展商。
- 10The British embassy is holding a party for exhibitor at the trade fair.英國大使館正在為交易會的參展者舉行晚會。
- 11If any damage resulted from construction, the repair expenses shall be borne by the exhibitor.若由於施工造成對展館的損害,其修補費用由參展單位承擔。
- 12It is recommended that exhibitor or representative must be present on-site during move-in period.所以我們懇請參展商或代理人務必在進館時間到達現場。
- 13B. Upon the confirmation of booth, the organizer will send Exhibition Handbook to every exhibitor.在確認展位後,主辦單位將向參展單位寄發《參展手冊》;
- 14As an exhibitor or spectator you may not be seeing the dog toeing in or out or flat feet in the grass.比如展示者或觀眾你可能看不見狗的趾踏在裡面或在外面,或是草叢中的平坦腳。
- 15One month prior to the opening, the trade show office will provide "exhibitor manual" to all exhibitors.開幕前一個月,展覽會辦公室向所有參展單位提供詳細的《參展商手冊》。
- 16If an exhibitor causes damage to a third party, you shall take sole responsibilities for all the damages.如參展商的行為造成第三方損失,參展商應獨自承擔一切責任。
- 17Amsterdam, Holland: an exhibitor builds up his stand at the horti fair, the world's biggest horticultural fair.荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹:世界最大的園藝展覽會——荷蘭國際園藝展上,一名參展商在搭建自己的攤位。
- 18The exhibitor must fax your copy of bank craft to the Committee on this day after remitting every expense.參展商在匯出各項費用後,請即日將銀行匯單複印傳真至組委會,以便核查。
- 19Hua Hui will deliver exhibits to stand, unpack them against the signature of exhibitor or his authorized agent.華惠公司會將展品送到展台,等待參展商或他們的代理到場後簽收、開箱。
- 20Join us as an exhibitor, you will have more chances to communicate, share the experience, and showcase your image.作為展商參與慕尼黑上海物流展,您將有更多的機會與他們進行交流溝通,分享經驗,樹立您公司的企業形象。
- 21E. Exhibitors must ensure that all information below is true and correct. Exhibitor badge will not be issued if the.參展商需確保所填寫之資料真實無誤。如未能填寫下列資料者,將不獲發參展商工作證。
- 22Gather attendee and exhibitor feedback while their experience is still fresh - usually within two weeks of your event.趁觀眾和參展商對你的展會記憶猶新的時候收集反饋——通常是在會議結束兩周內。
- 23Exhibitor: Ah, welcome to London, Dr. Wang. We've done quite a lot of business with your company in the past, I believe.展出者:啊,王博士,歡迎你來到倫敦。據我所知,我們過去和貴公司有過很多商業交往。
- 24"The Potter franchise is just irresistible to moviegoers," said Paul, President of box-office tracker Exhibitor Relations.哈利·波特對於喜歡看電影的人來說是不可抗拒的,哈利·波特叢書和觀眾對哈里·波特電影的鐘愛共同促成了這個票房收入可觀的周末。
- 25Conference fee: each representative from any exhibitor should pay 500rmb for conference material, lunches, souvenirs, etc.會務費:參展代表每人500元人民幣(用於會議資料、午餐、紀念品等)。
- 26Paul Dergarabedian, President of box-office tracking firm Exhibitor Relations, called the synchronized release a smart move.票房跟蹤公司參展關係總經理保羅·德加拉伯迪安對外宣稱同步上映為明智之舉。